Sore throat (pharyngitis) is a thickening or swelling of the throat wall, colored red, no white spots painful when swallowing food.
Pharyngitis is divided into 2 (two), namely:
a. Acute pharyngitis
Febri throat is inflammation caused by viral organisms almost 70%. Streptokokkus group A is the most common bacterial organisms are related to acute pharyngitis.
Uncomplicated viral infection usually disappear but soon, within 3-10 days of onset suit. However, pharyngitis caused by more virulent bacteria such as group A streptokokkus is more severe illness during the acute phase, and much more penging because of the danger of complications incident. This complication termasukl Sinuitis, otitis media, abscesses peritonsilan, kastidis, adenitis cervical, rheumatic fever and refritis, culture tenmggorokan is the main way in determining the causative organism after prescribed appropriate therapy swab laborers come and blood cultures may also be performed to identify the organism.
b. Chronic pharyngitis
Pharyngitis chronic common in adult individuals who work or live in a dusty environment. Using excessive noise, suffering from chronic cough and the habitual use of alcohol and tobacco.
Identified three types of Pharyngitis:
- Hepertrofik, characterized by thickening of the public and pharyngeal mucous membrane congestion,
- Chronic, probably the later stages of the first kind (a thin membrane, whitish slippery, and in time wrinkled) and
- Chronic granular (clegyran's sore throat) with some swelling of the lymph follicles in the pharyngeal wall.
Cause inflammation of throat (pharyngitis)
1. Virus, 80% of sore throat caused by a virus can cause fever
2. Cough and cold. Where cough and lenders (nasal mucus) to make irritated throat.
3. Cozsackie virus (hand, foot and mouth disease)
4. Available. Allergies can cause throat irritation, chronic nature of light (live)
5. Streptococcus bacteria. In the laboratory using the results of patient stroking throat. Can be determined from the bacteria Streptococcus classical symptoms such as pain when you swallow saw a great white spots, vomit, pus, amandelnya gland, accompanied by enlarged lymph amandelnya.
Most of laryngitis caused by two types of infection, ie viruses and bacteria. Around 80% of laryngitis caused by a virus and caused about 10-28% of bacteria. To be able to overcome it is important to know the infection caused by the virus or bacterium Streptococcus. Virus infection is often the cause salesma (cold) and the occurrence of influenza that then lead to laryngitis. Salesma usually heals itself around a week so your body membentuh antibodies against the virus. Treatment with antibiotics will not be effective for mengtasi viral infection. Instead, the provision of antibiotics can create resistance or immunity to the antibiotic bacteria. When the bacteria resistant to antibiotics. When we use antibiotics are not effective in removing germs. As a result, suffered the disease do not recover.
Symptoms and signs of inflammation of the throat (pharyngitis) In general symptoms and signs of pharyngitis are:
1. Burning or itching and dry
2. Coughing and sneezing
3. Low fever or no fever
4. Hoarse or raspy voice
5. Meler nose and behind the nasal secretions
Signs and symptoms of acute pharyngitis among others:
1. Mucous membranes are red
2. Tonsils-tinted
3. Kolikel lymphoid swollen and filled with aksudat
4. Magnifications and painful cervical lymph press
Chronic pharyngitis signs and symptoms limiting:
1. Sensation of irritation
2. Crowded at the throat in continuous
3. Mucus that collects in the throat and cough can be produced with
4. Difficulty swallowing
Codes of inflammation of throat (pharyngitis)
a. Acute pharyngitis
If you suspect or banterial cause shown, the medication can include providing anti irikrobial. For Streptococcus group A, penicillin or who have resistant organisms eritromisin (fifth penicillin and eritromisin), used sefalusfarin. Antibiotics given for at least 10 days to remove grouyp A Streptococcus from orofarin.
Liquid or soft diet is given in the acute stage of disease depends on the patient's appetite and the level of discomfort that occurs with swallowing. Sore throat sometimes so fluid can not be consumed in adequate amounts by mouth. In severe cases fluids given intravenously. Instead patients are encouraged to augment drinking as much as it did with at least 2-3 liters per day.
b. Chronic pharyngitis
Treatment of chronic pharyngitis based on the removal of symptoms, avoid pemajangan for dermatitis and correct any interference on the bronchi, lung or heart disease that may lead to chronic cough.
Kongestinasal may be removed by spraynasal or medicines that contain epinephrine sulfate (ofrin) or fenilekrin hydrochloride (neo-syn-phrine). If there is history of allergy, antihistamines, decongestants one medication as drikoral or dinetap, drink 1-6 hours. Malaise can be controlled effectively with aspirin or asitaminofen. Contact with others should be avoided, at least until the fever is really lost.
Prior to treatment is very important for physicians to find the causes of throat (pharyngitis) uses a true diagnosis of the cause with the aim of giving antibiotics to prevent inappropriate for most patients because of laryngitis can cause antibiotic resistant organisms. A doctor will examine the throat and neck lymph nodes. Advanced approach is to test for the throat stroked or otherwise bekteri mengetahjui there. Pat him on the throat should dilakuakn if any unexpected diagnosis of laryngitis due to Streptococcus bacteria based on clinical findings and epidermiologis and patients not consuming antibiotics.
Hasik stroking throat culture is usually the one who takes the test, but sensitivity to the antibiotic has to be done in patients who are allergic to penicillin resistant Streptococcus bacteria because terhdap erotromisin.
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