Vascular Cancer

Posted on 4 December, 2011

Vascular Cancer


A little ten year old girl, Colby Curtin, who was dying of vascular cancer had one dying wish. She wanted to see the Pixar movie "UP". An employee at Pixar Studios flew to her house with a DVD of it. I, for one, commend Pixar Studios for sending Colby the DVD. Colby was so ill that she couldn't actually watch the movie. Her mom had to tell her what it was all about. Colby hung on long enough to watch the movie. She died 7 hours later.

Vascular cancer is a very rare cancer. It affects the lining of the blood vessels in the liver and lungs.

As I am writing this hub, I have tears running down my cheeks and goosebumps on my arms. What a sad, sad story. All that little girl wanted was to see a movie before she died. How many other little children die before they even get their wish? This story is just so sad.

Here we are going about our day and living our lives and there are children out there who are dying. Most of these children probably would love to watch a movie, or go to an amusement park or see their favourite movie stars. Most of these children do not get their wish. Most of these children just die.

I am glad there are foundations in this world like "Make a Wish", here in Canada, to name one. Make a Wish grants dying children their last wish. Children should not be dying, children should not have cancer. Children should be allowed to enjoy their childhood and they should be allowed to grow up and know what it is like to become an adult.

My heart-felt sympathy goes out to Colby's family. I am heart-broken over this story and I am going to go right away and donate some money to the Make a Wish Foundation here in British Columbia, Canada, so that other children can have their last wish. I encourage others to do the same. I am not affiliated with Make a Wish Foundation at all. I just am so overwhelmed by emotion by the story of Colby Curtin. I never knew this little girl but she has inspired me to do what is right.

Vascular Cancer in the News

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21 months ago

That's some powerful information there mis. Thank you, yo did your homeworm.

21 months ago

solarcaptain, thank you for your comment. I tend to get emotional and therefore my hubs turn out powerful at these kinds of issues.

21 months ago

Good information and its's going right to delicious

style and content. Perfecxt. thanik you.

Jerry?21 months ago

so sad,

Angel?21 months ago

I know how you feel people in this world sometimes take these times in life forgranted as watching a movie and all this little girl asked for was to see a certain movie before she passed on. Life definitly does not seem fair sometimes. So sad a beautiful little girl gone due to a disease. So young and so sad. I feel so bad for the family. I lost my mom to a brain tumor 5 years ago so I know that emotional pain, it feels as if your world has ended. God has held my hand through it all and I pray he does the same for this poor family. Your such a great person for writing this hub. God bless you.

21 months ago

Angel, thank you so much for your comment. I really appreciate it. It brings back memories of my own mother, whom I lost 10 years ago. I think that is why I am so emotional when I hear about these types of stories.

21 months ago

We all have so much more than we usually think. Poor child and family

21 months ago

Thank you for your comment, ethel smith and I agree with you. I feel so bad for the family too.

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