Tips to Prevent and Cope With Bleeding Gums

Many ways to care for your teeth clean and healthy looking. If the tooth is often bloody, then there are less healthy on our teeth. How to cure or treat bleeding gums that are actually very easy and natural.
In addition to cavities, there are several other causes of bleeding gums include:
1. Bacterial, fungal or viral infections.
2. Presence of other bleeding gangguang
3. Brushing your teeth too hard
4. Hormonal changes during pregnancy
5. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), a blood disease that do not have enough red blood cells.
6. Installation of an ill-fitting dentures
7. Flossing is not appropriate
8. Infections that occur because of the teeth and gums
9. Leukemia
10. The use of blood thinners
11. Lack of vitamin K

1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day.
Make sure you brush your teeth the right way. If you do not know or do not understand the correct way of brushing teeth, immediately consult with your dentist.
2. Clean teeth with fine threads every day.
By cleaning up any remaining food particles between teeth and gums every day with a fine thread, then you can as early as possible to prevent disturbance of the gums and teeth. This dental cleaning floss can be found at a nearby pharmacy.
3. Eat nutritious foods. 
Nutritious foods here include vitamin C and calcium. Both substances are very useful for maintaining healthy teeth and gums.
4. Drink plenty of water.
Drinking enough water after meals will help clean up the remaining food residue on the teeth and gums. This will certainly reduce the number of bacteria that live there.
5. Do not smoke.
Quit smoking now because smoking is not good for healthy teeth and gums.
6. Avoid foods that are too hot and cold. 
Foods that are too hot and too cold can damage healthy teeth and gums. Especially that you currently have problems with the gums and teeth so warm food is the right choice.
7. Relaxation.
If you are stressed, any disease will arise and show up quickly, including diseases of the teeth and gums. This is because an increase in the stress hormone cortisol. These hormones will mess up your body's normal system and provoke a dangerous disease.

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