Paranoid is defined as a sense of fear that can not be found and the cause we feel there are people who want to harm us. It also includes the suspicion that others will disappoint or bother us. Psychoanalytic theorists argue, that paranoid personality disorder is the result of the needs of the people to reject the true feelings and projecting these feelings into others. Then the cognitive theorists see the paranoid personality disorder as a result of a fundamental belief that the other person as being malevolent and deceptive, combined with a lack of confidence in defending himself against others.
Paranoid personality disorder ( PPD ) is a condition where the individual characteristics can not be trusting and suspicious of others excessively. Told as a nuisance, if the behavior is its persistent, disturbing and depressing (distressing). However, this behavior is not called as a form of personality disorder if the behavior is caused by the emergence of schizophrenia, mood disorders (such as major depression) with psychotic symptoms, or other psychotic disorders (neurological factors), or causes caused by medical conditions.
Individuals with paranoid personality disorder is difficult to believe and suspect excessive when interacting with others, so feel afraid to get close to anyone, suspicious of strangers even though the person is not right for suspicion.
He has a few friends, it is difficult to trust others to make these individuals can not be invited to cooperate in a team. However, it does not mean paranoid personality disorder can not be married. Jealousy and a desire to control their partner, became the pathology in the relationship with her partner.
Almost every time an individual PPD difficult to stay calm for not suspecting others, sometimes they deliberately look for someone to become a suspect and deserves to be suspected. The fear that arises, it makes the individual can not do anything about it (nervous) when people are suspected to be close to him. Frequent rejection either by confrontation, aggressive, or dispute, they chose not to make friends with that person and chose himself to be alone.
Individuals with this disorder are usually suspicious, hypersensitive, rigid, anxious, and argumentative. They tend to see themselves as good, which has no defects, and rarely able to see the flaw itself, although he knew.
Characteristic of paranoid personality disorder is appreciation, not unreasonable, and distrust in others. People with this disorder believe that other people are chronically trying to deceive or cheat them or exploit them, and especially occupational (continuous) with respect to fidelity and traits that can be trusted than others. They are people who are very vigilant, to show the facts of their suspicions.
In addition, paranoid people are also very sensitive to criticism or potential criticism. People misinterpret paranoid or too overboard in interpreting situations they suspected. For example, a husband with a strong interpreting (interpreting) the joy his wife one night as proof that he has a relationship (affair) with another man at work.
Paranoid personality disorder symptoms
Some of the symptoms shown in paranoid personality disorder, among others, is
• Highly Suspicious excessive
• Believing in the existence of the hidden motives of others.
• Feeling will be exploited or betrayed by others.
• Inability of cooperating with others.
• Social isolation.
• Poor self image
• Attitude is not affected.
• Hostility.
• Continually bear grudges that by not forgiving loss, injury or negligence.
• Feeling the attack on the character or reputation that are not visible to others, and to quickly react angry and strike back.
• Reluctant to tell the secrets of others because of fear that is not necessary, that information will be used maliciously against him.
• Lack of a sense of humor.
Those who have this disorder showed a high demand to meet him, impressed rigid and even gave the charge to others. Due to their avoidance behavior towards closeness with other people makes them look very full calculation in the act and also memorable cold. From the results of the research found that most of these disorders are found in men than in women.
Specifically, the causes of the emergence of this disorder is still unknown, but often in a case arise in individuals who have family members with schizophrenia disorder, in other words, genetic factors still affecting. Paranoid personality disorder can also be caused by a bad childhood experience coupled with state of the environment that feels threatening. Parenting is likely to foster a sense of trust between the child with others, can also be the cause of development of this disorder
Treatment for paranoid personality disorder will be very effective for controlling paranoia (suspicious feelings excess), but it will always be difficult because the patient will always have the suspicion to the doctor or therapist who treated him. If left alone, the condition of the patient will become more chronic. Treatment performed, the system includes primary care, and also treatments that are outside the main treatment (supplement), such as programs to develop themselves, the support of families, lectures, home care, building honest to yourself, all of which will enhance and assist the process healing the patient. So expect the worst social consequences that are common of these disorders, such as family breakdown, job loss and also a place to live can be avoided to be experienced by the patient.
Medication or treatment for paranoid personality disorder generally not supported, a trend that usually arises is the growing suspicion of the patients who ultimately make withdrawal from therapy that has been undertaken. Experts point to a more focused form of treatment to the specific conditions of these disorders such as anxiety and delusions, in which the feeling is that a major problem damaging the normal functioning of mental patients. but for rapid response to patients who need emergency treatment then the use of drugs is very helpful, as when the patient begins to lose control of himself as a rage and attacked another ornag.
The difficulties faced by therapists in this disorder are not aware of the disorder sufferers in him and feel no need the help of therapists. Another difficulty faced by the therapist that the individual PDD difficult to accept the therapist's own, suspicion and distrust make treatment difficult.
Although people with paranoid personality disorder usually has its own initiative to do the treatment, but often also their own healing process stops prematurely. Likewise, the development of trust committed by the therapist to the client, which requires more attention, but it likely will remain complicated to be able to lead clients to build self confidence even though the stage has been completed.
Possible long-term for people with paranoid personality disorder are less good, most of which happen to future patients is the persistence of existing properties throughout their lives, but with effective treatment and is consistent then the cure for patients with clearly still open.
The method of self-development as a group may be made to the patient despite having a hard time implementation. High level of suspicion and distrust in people will make the presence of a support group to be useless or even worse can be destructive for the patient themselves.
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