To that end, if you are taking calcium supplements, then consume these supplements in the recommended amount is about 1200-1300 mg per day for adults.
To prevent constipation while you are taking calcium supplements, then you can compensate by consuming foods rich in magnesium such as fruit, nuts, seeds, cashew nuts, peas, cabbage, fish, etc., and drink more water.
For calcium supplements, then you should divide your calcium intake, for example, if you consume 1000 mg of calcium then eat into each of these 500 mg 2 times a day, eg after breakfast and dinner.
Calcium supplements can have a mild binding effect but by themselves don’t usually cause serious constipation. But if you’re taking another supplement or medication that binds the stool, the addition of calcium supplements could cause a problem.
Although it doesn’t happen often, some people have taken so much calcium that it causes hypercalcemia, an above-normal level of calcium in the blood. Hypercalcemia may cause nausea, vomiting, confusion, and other neurological symptoms.
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