Crp Tests And Cancer

Posted on 3 August, 2011

CRP Tests and Cancer

It was about a year ago now that I wrote my most popular article on CRP and cancer.? CRP, for those that don't know is a blood test that measures the amount of protein (called C-Reactive Protein) in your blood.? What this test does is measure the specific level of inflammatory response your body manifests at a given point in time.? The test, by today's standards, is fairly simple.

What doctors know for sure is the high levels of CRP are mostly caused by infections and irritations, as well as many chronic diseases.? These risk factors will pretty much always cause inflammation in your body.? So the test is quite straight forward.? It's as if every time you get whacked in the head, and there is a guy standing near you in? a yellow jacket.? Before long, one can predict that you are going to get whacked in the head simply because there is a guy in a yellow jacket standing near you.? Ok - that may be a bit of an over-simplification, but you get the picture.

The real problem with CRP testing is that it tells you that there are problems, but you don't know where the problems are.? That would be like having a light flash on our car's dashboard that says, "your car is broken".? A lot of good that would do!

What we use CRP for most often is to see if there is cancer present.? For men, that is mostly prostrate cancer.? You can't have prostrate cancer and have low CRP levels.? Another common one is IBS or irritable bowel syndrome.? With IBS, the bowels are painfully swollen and often bleed.

I use the CRP and a related once called HS-CRP (High Sensitivity CRP) to indicate my inflammatory responses.? This is such a useful tool, I can't over emphasize it's importance.? The bottom line on inflammation is that it can damage your arteries and make you much more likely to have a heart attack or a stroke.? Just knowing that you have high levels of CRP will pretty much force you to take action.

The methodology for reducing inflammation in the body is no longer a secret.? Find out all you can about high alkaline diets and start drinking high alkaline water right away.? If you are suffering from IBS, arthritis, osteoporosis, polyps, chronic fatigue, heart arrhythmia and a wide range of related diseases, then the chances are high that you have chronic acidosis.? And it is comforting to know that you don't have to live this way.? You can actually do something about it.? But it requires "you" to take action.? No one is going to bring it to you in pill form!

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