Weight Loss Meal Plan Example

Weight Loss Meal Plan Menu

● French toast, three slices of bread with 2 eggs in a single yellow.
● Fresh orange juice or fruit.
● 1 cup of coffee.
● a vitamin and minerals.
Starting weight: 65kg
Plan to 1500 Calories

112g of protein (30%)
206g of carbohydrates (55%)
25g fat (15%)

Morning Snack
● Half a meal replacement sachet or half of a sandwich: a slice of bread cut in two, tomato, half a slice lean ham, lean sauce 0%.
● 30 ml water.


● Raw vegetables with 1 tablespoon vinaigrette (olive oil).
● Pasta with chicken and vegetables: 120g chicken breast, a cup of cooked pasta, a cup of peas, tomato sauce.
● 1 slice of bread.

Afternoon Snack
● 200g cheese 0% or a protein bar.
● a fruit.
● a low-calorie soda.

● A tomato sauce with lean.
● A baked potato with vegetables, spices.
● 120g grilled cod, half a lemon.

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