Since the average age of menopause is 51 in American women, that leaves quite a few years for most women to go through the symptoms. These symptoms can start to appear as early as the mid to late-thirties even in some cases, but normally not until the mid-forties. Maybe your symptoms will start slowly with more irregular periods, or just the few hot flashes here and there. But in most women they will progress to digestive problems, insomnia, heart palpitations, thinning hair, dry skin, and mood problems.
Depending on the severity of the symptoms, you may seek treatment earlier or later, but at some point most women search for some relief. A natural solution to menopause is one that can offer more relief with few side effects, which is becoming more of a standard these days. Since the "old-fashioned" way of treating menopause symptoms is to simply boost estrogen levels with a prescription, these days it isn't the best option.
The reason this isn't the best treatment any longer is that it is now realized that each woman has a different hormone "profile" that needs an individual approach to treatment. The main hormones that are out of balance are estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Yes, even women have some testosterone, although only about 1/10th as much as a man. It is needed to keep the libido in check, so without this hormone many women lose their desire for sex completely.
What to do about it? There are herbs that can natural stimulate or replace the hormones in the body, some which can mimic the bodies hormones very closely. These hormones include:
black cohosh (for night sweats and hot flashes), dong quai (for vaginal dryness), kava kava (for mood improvement, lowers stress) and also ginseng, which has been known to help mood swings and overall health.
Another natural product many women are finding helpful these days is natural progesterone cream, which is used to help ease many of the symptoms common to menopause by boosting the hormone missing most, progesterone. This hormone is a pre-cursor to the biosynthesis of other hormones in the body. The good news is that natural progesterone cream can be purchased many places without any prescription, since it is a natural product.
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