Shoulder Arthroscopy is a simple procedure In which through a small puncture portal at the back of the shoulder a Arthroscope (Telescope) of 4.5 mm is introduced into the shoulder joint proper and a detailed examination and testing of each and every structure of the joint is performed. The head of Humerus(the arm bone), the glenoid(shoulder blade –forming the cup), the biceps, subscapularis muscle, the rotator cuff, the ligaments both in front and back of shoulder are commonly examined . This helps in picking up of common problems like early arthritis of shoulder, infective arthritis(septic lesions), Rheumatoid arthritis, biceps tear, SLAP lesions, Rotator cuff lesion, impingement syndrome, ligament tear, recurrent dislocation of shoulder(Bankart lesion), instability, hyper laxity, laberal tear and cyst, Hills-sach's lesion, Frozen shoulder, loose body, bursitis, tendonitis etc. The other joint in shoulder joint complex subacromial joint, acromio-clavicular joint are easily examined giving access to rotator cuff lesions, acromion pathology, clavicular problems and can be dealt satisfactorily.
Shoulder Arthroscopy is a daycare procedure where 80% of the shoulder problems can be assed and treated with a key hole access with very low morbidity and a very short (only one day) stay in hospital. The shoulder arthroscopy is performed through a very cosmetic approach with small incision 4.5 mm at the back of shoulder in the strap region along with one and sometimes two in the front which is almost invisible.
In shoulder arthroscopy the patient is put in either semi sitting or lying position with hand by the side. The arthroscope is introduced into the shoulder from the back access. The telescope is connected to a high power camera which displays the picture on the TV monitor. Fluid like saline/glycine are used to inflate the joint and make the movement of telescope easy. Surgeon is able to visualize and access the structures that we have mentioned above and they are further tested by a hook for the integrity and also for any existing pathology and also extent of pathology.
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