The exam is difficult and the pass percentage is set too high so that every person who knows the concept well only can get through them easily.It is always suggested to carry on your preparation for the exam based on the pattern of the exam rather than just reading through the text books and other study materials. You should always make use of a question bank in order to study correctly so that you will gain greater familiarity with the type of question paper while attending the actual exam. This will definitely boost up the confidence level of the candidate while appearing for the test.
These question banks are also available in the form of simulation software wherein you will be able to make use of the software that can be easily installed on your personal computer. This is designed by incorporating a huge database of the questions and by following this database you can find that no two questions are unique. These questions are divided into various test papers so that you can definitely try out as many test you want. This will definitely speed up the ability of your time management skills and you can determine your level of improvement by checking through the timers provided in the software.
There are basically two types of timers included in the software. One will determine the total time taken by you to complete the entire test and the second will determine the time taken by you to complete each and every question in that test. Also the answers are displayed according to your choice. It will be displayed either after attempting each question or after completing the entire test. This software can be installed on any number of computers without any complexity and as a result you can move on with your preparation when ever you are free. These questions are prepared after consulting with the exam authorities so that you can get the complete insight of the examination through the question bank.
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