Clavicle fracture - The medical way of saying a collarbone fracture.

When babies are born it takes a lot for them to pass through the birth canal. Normally a sonogram can predict the size of a baby. The doctor guestimates the size of the baby with the size of the mother pelvis, to ensure the baby can pass through without complications. In some cases even with all the technology out today measurements are off and the baby cannot fit through the birthing canal.

When a baby is pulled through the birth canal with too much force or born breech (feet first), a clavicle fracture can occur. A clavicle fracture is basically the medical way of saying a collarbone fracture.

Rarely do these fractures hurt the baby but sometimes they can be avoided, when doctors correctly deliver a baby. If you have had a baby or know someone who has and the baby delivered ended up with a Clavicle fracture this may be a case to have a birth injury attorney, Yonkers look at. The day your baby is born, should be one of the most joyous occasions in a parent's life. For the most part most deliveries go smoothly as to be expected. However, complications do arise during pregnancy and delivery, and these problems may result in serious and or long-term injuries to your newborn baby. If the harm to your baby was unavoidable, it is important to be aware of your legal rights regarding the birth of your newborn. Most birth injuries that occur can be prevented if given the appropriate care from medical staff members. When the appropriate care isn't given to a patient while in a hospital you may have a birth injury case.

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