Foot corns treatment

Foot corns develop as a result of increased pressure on a particular area of skin causing it to become thickened and hard. Corns often appear on the tops of the toes, the sole of the feet or even in between the toes. Because of the constant increased and localized pressure on a specific area of the foot generally from poorly fitting shoes, the skin begins to react in a protective fashion and forms a corn. These corns can be either hard or soft in nature.

Corns on the tops of the toes are generally hard whereas the ones found in between the toes are more often soft in nature. A very common location of corns is on the outside of the little toe, most often seen in women, particularly those wearing fashionable yet ill-fitting shoes which because of the tight and narrow toe box cause an increased friction and pressure on the outside of the toe. Other common forefoot problems can also occur such as the development of bunions or hammertoes.

Corns generally appear as a round, hard areas and generally occur on the areas of the feet which bear the most pressure. Foot corns are caused by a variety of issues such as ill-fitting shoes, hammertoes, other conditions causing an abnormal gait, or even bunions. It is important for your physician to assess your feet to accurately diagnose the exact type of foot malady present. Plantar's warts, calluses or foot corns may appear the same yet they each require specific treatment and so it is important to have an accurate diagnosis prior to treatment.

Foot corns may be treated in a variety of ways, including those that you can implement at home and those that require a physician's intervention. Gel toe tubes and soft toe rings provide cushioning for corns giving temporary relief. Using a pumice stone to gently buff away at the thickness of the foot corn can also provide temporary relief.

Stretching your shoes or replacing them with properly fitting shoes can be the best solution to preventing the development of future corns. Addressing other health issues that may cause an abnormal gait leading to excessive pressure on your feet can also be of help. Your physician can provide foot corn treatment in the office by using a scalpel to shave off the top of the corn to reduce the toughened and hard skin. Your physician may also suggest the use of a salicylic acid on the corn itself to soften the skin and reduce its size.

Foot corns are bothersome and painful. Prevention is the key and best solution. However there are numerous options available for foot corn treatment involving both easy to implement ideas that you can use at home to treatments requiring your physician's assistance.

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