Other treatments are only temporarily or partially effective, or even carry side effects as in the case of anti inflammatories and cortisone injections, but a program of specific rehabilitative exercises for the rotator cuff tackles the problem at root level strengthening the cuff, thus enabling it to recover faster and better from the disorder than any external aid.
A Shoulder Impingement is a descriptive name for what is its most evident symptom, apart from pain: a clicking, pinching sensation while doing arm movements. The pinching is caused by the inflamed tendons of the rotator cuff and the inflamed bursa, a sack over which the tendons slide to protect them from the shoulder bones, catching against each other. The inflammation of the tendons is called Tendonitis, while the inflammation of the bursa is called Bursitis.If one area gets inflamed, the other can also become inflamed because inflammations know no boundaries, so in this scenario the inflamed tendons and bursa swell and restrict the subacromial space within the shoulder joint, triggering a self fueling situation of increased friction, irritation, inflammation and swelling that causes the two areas to pinch against each other and show up as an Impingement.
Because an Impingement Syndrome is the result of inflammations, it is normally cured with anti inflammatories, both over the counter or prescription only. However, drugs only cure the symptoms and reduce the pain temporarily at best. In addition, ice packs come in handy to reduce the swelling, but need constant applications. Cortisone injections can be effective, but carry even greater side effects.
The only effective and permanent treatment is a program of shoulder impingement syndrome exercises consisting of external and internal rotational movements to be implemented daily, even at home. These exercises target the muscles and tendons of the rotator cuff to rehabilitate it and restore it to full strength and functionality. A stronger cuff and a good posture will aid recovery, naturally reducing inflammation and pain in a fraction of time, thus freeing from drug dependency.
A shoulder impingement is a very common disorder that affects the lives of countless people. Unfortunately, many sufferers resort to the easy option of anti inflammtories and painkillers, whereas a minimal daily commitment to implement a professional protocol of exercises can cut down recovery times from months to weeks.
Shoulder impingement syndrome exercises can be performed without resistance or any equipment, but must be implemented with proper form following a professional protocol by a specialist with knowledge of the shoulder disorders and mechanics, as a DIY program could do more harm than good.
If you are unfortunate enough to be suffering from and Impingement Syndrome, do not hesitate to check out this professional program of shoulder impingement syndrome exercises. It could slash recovery times from months to weeks. There is no need to put up with pain and discomfort for longer than necessary. Check out these shoulder impingement syndrome exercises now.
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