Excessive drinking can be hazardous to the health of all! It can be particularly stressful if you are sober, caring for your drunken roommate, who is vomiting while you are trying to study for an exam. Some people laugh at the behavior of other people who are drunk. Some think it is even funnier when they pass out. But there is nothing funny about the aspiration of vomit leading to asphyxiation or poisoning of the respiratory center in the brain, which can result to death.
Do you know the dangers of alcohol poisoning? When to seek professional help for a friend? Unfortunately, too many college students say they would have received medical treatment for a friend. Many end up feeling responsible for alcohol-related tragedies that could have been easily avoided.
It is not just a hangover or drinking while vomiting. Alcohol poisoning occurs when the level of alcohol in the blood (the percentage of alcohol circulating in the blood) rises to a danger point. Alcohol levels in the blood very high, a person loses consciousness and falls into a coma. In the worst cases, the drinker dies.
When he heard of someone dying of "intoxication" usually means the person died in one of three ways: The blood alcohol level was so high that it affects the parts of the nervous system and brain functions that control breathing, heart rate, and related to the body. The drinker died because he stopped breathing and his heart stopped beating, usually while he was unconscious. Vomited while unconscious, inhaled vomit and suffocated. There are also occasional reports of a drinker unconscious drowning in their own language. The alcohol reacts in combination with another drug - on the prescription counter, or illegal. These deaths can occur at a blood alcohol level relatively low. An intoxicated person can die of cold, sometimes in temperatures as high as 50 degrees F. Alcohol affects the body "thermostat" and the perception of heat and cold drinker, someone who has been drinking can be hot, while her body temperature is actually dropping.
Too much alcohol on the nerves and depression that causes involuntary actions and a great example of this is the breath - this is an important symptom of alcohol poisoning. Imagine yourself without air - do you think I survive? Unfortunately, alcohol abuse is very common for people already in its adolescence to early adulthood. College students may have the largest number in the statistics that dies from an alcohol-related tragedy. This happens to clubs, parties and even their bedrooms. It is usual that group of friends who hang out and drink until they pass out can be a victim of this complication. They think it's great, but it's true - that can undergo highly endangered largely because they know nothing about the symptoms of alcohol intoxication without treatment.
Now that you already know something about alcohol poisoning symptoms, here are some treatments that the patient can undergo to treat him from this complication. Treatment for alcohol poisoning is as simple as dilute or eliminates the concentration of alcohol in the system. First, determine if the person has alcohol poisoning or simply drunk. When a person is suffering from poisoning, which will start to shake, has shallow breathing, seizures, and may vomit profusely or fall into unconsciousness that cannot be awakened. Of course, the latter will have to call the emergency services. Once you have made that determination, wake the person and make them drink as much water as possible. This will do two things: first, that will replace the fluids lost through vomiting and the second will promote frequent urination. This will help the body rid itself of alcohol.
Understanding the symptoms of alcohol intoxication, poisoning effects of alcohol, and causes a toxic reaction and responding intelligently and appropriately to this situation by calling 911 for immediate medical help, can help prevent fatal overdose of alcohol. In fact, immediate treatment with alcohol intoxication of the person with an overdose of alcohol has a good chance of full recovery.
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