Do Alternative Cancer Treatments Work?

Posted on 4 August, 2011

Do Alternative Cancer Treatments Work?

Lily Andrews

There are claims by both researchers and cancer survivors alike, that alternative cancer therapy really works, even in the most aggressive of cancers, such as pancreatic. Eighteen months of research by Nobel prize winners, doctors, scientists, biochemists, and Ph.D.'s state their findings uncovered over 350 natural and alternative non-specific cancer treatments.

Non-specific meaning that cancer cells no matter where they are residing in the body, react to these natural and alternative treatments by either curing the cancer completely, increasing the tumor response rate combined with chemo for more shrinkage, or in terminal or non operable cases increased survival time by 64% , and a 59% increase of survival time in patients with metastasized breast cancer using the alternative and natural treatments combined with chemo.

The researchers also claim to have found a substance being used in Japanese hospitals that reduces hair loss to "slight" as opposed to "severe." This substance is also supposed to inhibit metastasis, improve survival rates, and relieve other side effects of chemo. There is supposed documented evidence that the natural and alternative treatments work, with over 2,000 testimonials from current or recent cancer patients that have utilized the natural and alternative treatments, either exclusively or in combination with conventional medical treatment.

The truth is that today, as many Americans are dying from cancer as in 1950, even after being adjusted for age. Despite this fact, it seems too many medical professionals are only concerned with treating this disease through rigorous treatments such as chemo and radiation. It is also possible that many of the medical professionals are only knowledgeable about, and can prescribe treatments regulated by the FDA. Many of the natural and alternative cancer therapy treatments contain herbs and vitamins often found in readily available natural food sources, which falls outside the jurisdiction of the FDA.

It is not unreasonable to think that natural and alternative cancer therapy exists, and can work. Antibiotics are a perfect example. They are harvested from mold, and are given to fight bacterial infections such as pneumonia, meningitis, scarlet fever, strep throat, blood poisoning, gangrene, and a host of other bacterial infections. Here is a logical question - If a fungi combats bacterial infections, what other natural remedies are out there that we are not aware of, and what are they capable of combating?

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