Posted on 2 November, 2011
In olden days patients diagnosed with esophageal cancer were often terminal and the risk factor that was mainly responsible for causing the disease was said to be smoking. Sufferers required surgery in order to make the swallowing of food very easy and also for improving their condition at least till they are alive. The type of esophageal cancer diagnosed was mostly squamous cell carcinoma. But now, the whole scenario is different as patients suffering from esophageal cancer are diagnosed earlier and that too with adenocarcinoma which can be cured most often. Adenocarcinoma is a type of esophageal cancer which is not a terminal one most often and is mainly caused by GERD or Gastroesophageal reflux disease. The esophageal junction which empies inside the stomach has a muscle ring which keeps the stomach acid that is responsible for digestion flows into the esophagus back. For many, the muscle ring does not work properly enabling the acid irritating the esophagus cell lining and results in heartburn and GERD. The acid which flows back into the esophagus might also result in long term alteration is esophageal cells making them prone to malignant abnormal cell patches called as barrett's esophagus. The shift from squamous cell carcinoma's incidence and prevalence to adenocarcinoma is believed to be due to GERD and Acid reflux. Due to technological advancements terminal esophageal cancer has now become controllable and treatable cancer. The survival rate has also increased considerably due to this. For many years radiation therapy, surgery and a combination of both have been given to patients but their importance and effectiveness is under question as can lead to various types of side effects and complications of higher risk and lesser survival chances. Now doctors try radiation and chemotherapy first and sometime even avoid surgery. According to current studies and clinical trials it has been found that surgery is more effective than the above two treatment options. There are several instances of certain natural remedies and unconventional treatments offering a promising cure even for terminal esophageal cancer. Ayurveda is one of the time tested unconventional medical option that provides effective medicines. When patients suffering from terminal esophageal cancer, they are treated using this system and it is believed to encourage the natural well being of the body and is more effective when given along with a nutritional diet. Homeopathy too is very effective kind of treatment for terminal esophageal cancer as it focuses mainly on energizing or restoring the body's vital force. Other unconventional approaches include siddha, acupuncture, spiritual, holistic approach, sino vedic treatments and acupressure. Natural Remedies: There are certain natural remedies that offer a promising cure for esophageal cancer. Along with the natural remedies and a well-researched different diet pattern, a few simple adjustments to your lifestyle can make a huge difference to your efforts for prolonging the life for several years. You can increase your chances of surviving esophagus cancer now by trying these proven natural remedies discussed in http://cancernaturalremedies.com. |
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