Posted on 4 October, 2011
People diagnosed with cancer disease are often devastated. Once the initial shock begins to fade, they may feel isolated and helpless as they make decisions about their treatment program. How good is chemotherapy or other conventional treatment of cancer, and does it effect a permanent cure? This article takes a look at some critical questions you should ask before you opt for treatment of cancer such as chemotherapy, radiation or surgery. Treatment of chemotherapy results in fatigue which lasts several months in some patients. 2. Radiation Damage: Breast cancer patients using radiation treatment have suffered from radiation injury to the skin. 3. Toxic Side-effects Of Standard Chemo: Conventional treatment of cancer can have destructive side-effects. Treatment of chemotherapy, for instance, is known to produce toxicity in the patient. skin. Stage IV breast cancer patients are known to have refused chemotherapy for fear of its side-effects. 4. Pain & Disfigurement: Often treatment of cancer results in pain and disfigurement, e.g., in the case of treatment of skin cancer. 5. Some Cancers Are Chemo-Resistant: Some cancers are chemo-resistant. Also, official statistics show that people with stage 4 breast, prostate, colon and lung cancer do not live longer after receiving chemotherapy. 6. Hair-Loss: Treatment of chemotherapy has been known to result in severe hair-loss. 7. Expensive: It is universally known that most treatment of cancer is very expensive and beyond the capacity of all but the most wealthy. 8. Survival Rates & Effectiveness: According to the findings of clinical trials at a China university, conventional chemotherapy for lung cancer was approximately 10% effective. Breast cancer surgery tends to increase the risk of relapse or death within three years. So, if either you or someone near and dear to you is a cancer patient, consider the above limitations before you decide whether to go for conventional treatment or alternative treatment for cancer. Today, the percentage of people dying from cancer is about the same as it was in 1950, even after being adjusted for age. Despite this fact, the medical profession takes much pride in the rigorous scientific research that underpins its approach to cancer treatment. Unbelievable as it may seem, 18 months of research by a blue-ribbon research team shows there are over 350 existing natural and alternative cancer treatments. People have used these gentle and non-toxic treatments instead of or alongside conventional treatment, or after conventional treatment has failed. What's more, thousands of people are using them RIGHT NOW and beating their cancer! |
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