Posted on 1 October, 2011
This year I made a decision not to have any more mammograms. There, I have said it out loud! I have hated having my breasts squashed between two radioactive plates. On top of that, the people providing the screening do not provide any prevention education - they are there to make a profit as a result of proving that they can find cancer. I have educated myself and put into practice what I have learnt, to minimise my risk of getting cancer. So can we prevent cancer? Recent studies have confirmed that our genes do not control our health outcomes - that we, yes that's us, have full control on how we take care of our own health. How we choose to live our life impacts fully on our health outcomes. So it appears, that if your family members have a tendency towards cancer, then there are things you can do to stay healthy. Isn't that great news? Now, most of us know that the food that Mother Nature provides contains vitamins as well as antioxidants and minerals. And a lot of the man-made processed foods do not contain very much in the way of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. So we have a choice right there. The biggest cause of cancer is poor nutrition. Vegetables and fruit contain antioxidants and vitamins which protect our cells from inflammation and oxidative stress which cause cancer. Eating a wide variety of fresh fruit and vegetables provides many antioxidants. There are some things we do not have control over - like the air we breathe, the quality of the soil that our food is grown in, the pesticides and chemicals that are used on crops, the quality of our drinking water. All we can do in these cases is to minimize the effects of these toxins and pollutants by avoiding them if we can and by taking nutritional supplements. Food alone is not optimal enough to provide our cells with the protection they need from the toxins in our environment. There have been endless studies done on how vitamins protect our body's cells from cancer. The results of these many studies can be summed up - take the best quality broad-spectrum supplements that you can afford. Taking once-a-day supplements are a waste of money. And taking supplements that are not at optimum levels do not provide protection. Taking nutritional supplements helps to maintain a strong immune system. The latest studies show Vitamin D3 (the sunshine vitamin) helps to prevent breast cancer. Other things we can do to prevent cancer are: ? To exercise hard enough to produce sweat. ? Get proper sleep ? Jump on a rebounder to clear your lymph glands. ? For women, massage your breasts. ? Reduce or stop drinking alcohol. ? Avoid recreational drugs. ? If you are overweight or obese, lose weight and get lean. ? Reduce/remove sugar from your diet ? Avoid getting sunburnt. ? Include Omega-3 essential fats in your diet. ? Drink green tea. ? Eat a low-fat, high fiber diet. ? Avoid over-working and over-exercising to keep your immune system strong. ? Avoid refined foods such as white flour, baked goods, and many refined cereals. ? Drink filtered water ? Continually learn from valid sources about what you can do to stay healthy - after all, when we lose our health, we lose our hope. Starting today what small change are you going to make to your life so that you do not become one of the 1 in 3 people who get cancer? If we treat our bodies like temples instead of tents then we can have a longer, healthier and happier life. |
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