Sleep is supposed to be quiet when the mind and body relaxation experience. However, some people actually have or do strange things during his sleep. Strange things can start to eat while a sleep having sex while a sleep.
1. Sexsomnia, Sex While Sleeping
Sexsomnia is sexual activity while asleep. Forms of behavior ranging from sexual sigh issued, masturbation, to sexual violence or rape. A study published in 2007 in the journal Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, said that lack of sleep, stress, alcohol, drugs and physical contact with a pair of sleep can trigger sexsomnia.
2. Eat while sleeping
People who experience this disorder still eating at night and woke up the next morning without being able to remember what he did last night. Some sufferers even engage in activities that may harm themselves by cutting food or stove. The disorder is not fully understood. Drugs that increase dopamine can help stop this interference.
3. REM behavior disorder
Sometimes, the brain signals the body to respond less to remain silent during sleep. When that happens, people act according to his dream, to yell, hit, kicked, and even go out of bed and run around. When awake, they are usually able to remember his dream, but did not remember his actions. REM behavior disorder is most common in older adults. Doctors usually treat the disorder with drugs that can reduce REM sleep and calm the body.
4. Sleep paralysis
During REM sleep phase, increased dream activity and muscular body does not move. This paralysis prevents the body acts like a dream and hurt yourself. Sometimes, it still suffered paralysis after waking from sleep. We realize that being awake, but could not move the body.
5. Exploding head syndrome
This disruption occurs during early sleep and woke up suddenly startled by a loud noise. The voices are audible range of cymbal sound to the sound of explosions. Heard the sound of explosions that seem to come right next to the head or inside the skull. This disorder does not cause pain and are harmless. Until now, doctors do not know what causes this disorder. But this disorder is known to be associated with serious diseases.
6. Hallucinations
All people must have seen strange things in his dream. But this hallucination experienced when not dreaming. Hypnagogic hallucinations occur during the phase transition from waking to sleep phase. Hypnopompic hallucinations occur during waking. People who experience these hallucinations claimed to hear voices, feel the appearance of a ghost or strange to see people or objects in the room.
7. Night terrors
This disorder is characterized by the behavior of screaming, thrashing and felt panic. Unlike nightmares that occur during the REM phase of sleep, night terrors occur during non-REM sleep phase and usually occurs early in the evening. This disorder is most common among children. Those who have experienced terror can sit up suddenly and his eyes open, but not seen. Sufferers often yell or scream, and can not be awakened or comforted. In some cases, night terrors with sleepwalking behavior.
8. Sleepwalking
As many as 15 percent of adults sometimes get up and amble around the house while you sleep. In children, the numbers even more. No one knows what causes this disorder. Stress and insomnia are considered as the trigger factor. It may be that the cause is genetic. People who have close relatives who experience sleepwalking 10 times more likely to sleepwalk than most people.