Posted on 3 September, 2011
The symptoms of ovarian cancer can appear months before the cancer is found. Unless a woman is getting the tests that would reveal the cancer these symptoms many times wont be diagnosed. This alone is one of the problems with detecting ovarian cancer in its early stages. The symptoms of ovarian cancer are quite often dismissed due to the fact that they can be rather benign. Stomach swelling and digestive problems for instance which are common symptoms of the presence of ovarian can be easily dismissed and ignored. Stomach problems are something everyone experiences at various times in their life. Ovarian cancer afflicts more than twenty-two- thousand women annually in the U.S. If caught in the early stages this cancer is treatable as goes for many other cancers. If detected in its early stages, before it has spread from the ovaries a woman has a ninety percent chance of living for at least another five years. Unfortunately, less than twenty percent of ovarian cancer is detected in its early stage, Due to the fact that the symptoms of ovarian cancer don't involve the ovaries themselves the cancer many times can be overlooked as tests like stomach imaging can overlook the ovaries. This is not to say that every time a woman gets a stomach ache or pelvic pain she should dash off to be tested for ovarian cancer. In cases where problems are persistent though researchers have concluded that ovarian cancer should be considered. If tests have ruled out other causes than tests for ovarian cancer should be performed. Ovarian cancer is a relatively rare cancer in women, it afflicts a small part of the general population and makes up a small percentage of the cancers afflicting women in general. For the woman stricken with this form of cancer the statistics mean nothing though. So it appears from research findings that women have to take a greater part in the detection of this disease due to the nature of the symptoms and the elusive nature of this disease and with early detection so imperative in determining the survival rate of women afflicted with ovarian cancer. If tests have ruled out other causes for the symptoms than tests for ovarian cancer should be performed earlier in the diagnosis process. A womans early response to the persistent symptoms related to ovarian cancer can be the key to her survival. New research has discovered that ultrasound and the CA125 test were many times not effective in detecting ovarian cancer in its early stages even in women already at high risk for developing the disease. Women at high risk include women with a family history of the disease and women predisposed to it due to genetic mutations that can make ovarian cancer more likely. Of the two tests the blood test has shown to be more effective in finding ovarian cancer but it can sometimes give false positive results. Statistics are not good for the early detection of the cancer so other means must be developed it seems. Experts agree that more research is needed in the area of detection of the disease as this seems to be so critical in determining the survival rate for ovarian cancer. The symptoms will always be the same though so for their part women must make themselves more aware of this cancer and its early detection. Tracking the symptoms can only be of help. Keeping an accurate record of your early symptoms and being persistent during the evaluation process can be the difference between surviving and not surviving ovarian cancer. |
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