Occasionally heard roommate snoring is not fun and very disturbing. If not used to sleeping with noise, sometimes heard snoring before bed was uncomfortable. As a result, you become uncomfortable sleep.
Snoring is actually a natural thing. About 45% of adults snore. If you have a serious snoring problem, you do not have to worry about or taking certain medications to solve it. There are many tips and how to overcome snoring during sleep:
• Sleep Position
Sleep on your back is one of the causes of snoring. When sleeping on your back, the position will tend to open your mouth and tongue will be pushed into the throat that can cause blockage of the airway and cause snoring.
• Smoking Habits
In addition to health is not healthy for your lungs and your heart, smoking can also cause snoring. Smoking can trigger inflammation of the throat and respiratory tract. This inflammation can eventually husband's dance sound of snoring during sleep.
• Disorders of the nose
Some people snore because they have allergies, weather changes, or when they have a sinus infection. Nasal deformities such as a deviated septum (a structural change in the wall that separates one nostril from the other) or nasal polyps can also cause snoring.
• Try to change your sleeping position.
If you fall asleep with the backrest on the back, then the back of the tongue and soft palate to close the cavity above the mouth of the air flow into the throat. Therefore, will be heard loud snoring. Changing sleeping position is not as easy as it sounds, but try to get a little help. Try using a pillow to keep your body position.
• Pay attention to your sleeping habits.
Work long hours with little sleep, will cause you to sleep very soundly. Regular snoring sounded shortly after your head on the pillow. Under these circumstances, snoring appears due to the movement of the muscles in the back of the throat. If this happens, try reducing the assignment force you to get up early or stay up too late at night. Enough rest to align your lifestyle, will prove to reduce snoring.
• Drink before bedtime.
Snoring can also occur if you drink less. Soft palate and nasal fluids that they will become dehydrated, it will become thick and sticky. As a result, will be heard loud snoring. Therefore, consume enough water before bed.
• Allergens.
Allergens in the bedroom can also contribute to snoring habits. Try cleaning the fan, and replace your pillow. Allergens are trapped in the pillow can be inhaled nose and mouth when you sleep, thus causing an allergic reaction that can lead to increased snoring.