Asthma is a condition in which muscles bronkhi (airways in the lungs) to contract narrowing making it hard breathing. The cause of asthma is unknown, but asthma is triggered by various factors such as allergies substances (animal dander, dust, etc.), smoking, pollution, infections, emotional stress and fatigue.
• Difficulty in breathing
• Increase in pulse rate
• Breath sounds, especially the exhaled air
• Dry cough
• Muscle spasms in the chest
There are two types of asthma, namely:
1. Interinsik asthma is not triggered by an allergic reaction.
2. That trigger asthma attacks eksterinsik derived from an allergic reaction to certain allergens substances.
Asthma attacks can last for days or shorter. Usually the attack began just a few minutes after the onset of the trigger. The frequency of asthma is different in each patient. Severe asthma attacks that can cause death.
• Get rid of things that can trigger allergies (allergens), increase the frequency of washing cloth and vacuuming, keep away from cats and other pets and stop smoking.
• Improve the balance of your body with diet, follow the program detoksifikas and drink lots of water.
• Follow the program if the beneficial aerobic respiration and strengthen and improve your lung capacity.
• Exterminate cockroaches that are no longer visible in your home.
• Adjust the moisture and air circulation through the air conditioning or ventilation opening.