Asbestos Exposure Symptoms will not be immediate, instantaneous, or even quick. No, not like other toxins or poisons which we know about, once we come in contact with them we know immediately or quickly because we begin to experience symptoms. Asbestos Exposure Symptoms are just the opposite; they can take years for the infected or poisoned person to begin experiencing them.
It is important for anyone who may have worked around asbestos products, or been exposed to asbestos in any way, to know and recognize the asbestos exposure symptoms. This is important because of the illnesses and cancers linked to and proven to be increased by exposure to asbestos. These cancers are lethal and have taken countless lives; they are not to be taken lightly for there is no cure.
You know this is an instance of the tiny being deadly. Asbestos fibers, which make up the dust, are very tiny. How tiny? Well, microscopic. Not only are they tiny but they are very tough as well, you see they are heat and chemical resistant both reasons the construction and auto industries use it. Asbestos is fire resistant as well and will not conduct electricity.
Once these virtually indestructible asbestos fibers get inhaled and stuck in the lungs, the problems begin. If the person is continually breathing in asbestos the accumulation inside the lungs will lead to very serious problems. Let's talk about the long term Asbestos Exposure Symptoms, since we have just learned the will not manifest until years later.
Asbestos Exposure Symptoms Long Term
Risk Factors
There are some Risk Factors to keep in mind when thinking about Asbestos Exposure Symptoms. Here are a few:
- Does the person smoke? Smoking is known to increase the risk of problems associated with asbestos exposure.
- The length of time the person was exposed to asbestos.
- How much asbestos were they exposed.
- Are they also currently suffering from other lung diseases?
- Which form of asbestos was they exposed:
This last Risk Factor of Asbestos Exposure needs to be explained a littler more. There are two forms of asbestos fibers with the long thin and the short wide fibers. The simplest explanation is that the long thin fibers will reach deeper into the lower regions of the lungs. Thus, being retained longer and are therefore more toxic. The short wide asbestos fibers are less toxic than the long thin fibers because the wide asbestos dust particles are anticipated to be lodged into the upper lung passages and not reach the deeper pleura region, the most toxic area of asbestos poisoning.
This is not to imply that the short wide fibers are less toxic or even non-toxic but have been traced to other lung problems from asbestos exposure poisoning.
Asbestos Exposure Symptoms on Skin
Asbestos Exposure Symptoms on the skin is said to be an uncommon occurrence. However, if you believe you have came in contact with asbestos and are suffering exposure symptoms. Please, go see a doctor and take the steps they recommend for treatment.
To help you out, here are some of the asbestos exposure symptoms on the skin to look for:
- A profuse rash, mostly on the hands of people who have worked in products and substances such as asbestos cement without protection on the hands.
- A few little pimples, which may look light blue in color.
- Your skin will be delicate and inflexible after contact with asbestos and it is in the body.
Once again, if you notice any asbestos exposure symptoms, even if your spouse was the one exposed to it. Some family members have been exposed to asbestos and poisoned from just handling the clothing of another. Do not just disregard this, go to a doctor. They will want to do more tests and perhaps discover another more serious health issue stemming from asbestos exposure.
Wear proper protective clothing and gear at all times. Do not take this lightly, my father and uncle and other men I knew died from exposure to asbestos. They ignored or took lightly the asbestos exposure symptoms and in their defense the protection was not available back in those days. They are gone now and we have been robbed of loved ones, too high a price to pay in my view.
Take precautions my friends; make your loved ones do the same. This way you will have them around as long as you can.