It was quite painful. First they injected a lot of numbing shots in the area where they will pull the teeth. I went through 7 tube for four teeth. Then, after your whole mouth feels extremely numb, the dentist will take something similar to a plier and start pushing, pulling and putting pressure on your teeth. I felt a lot of pressure, but no pain during the pulling. Even to this day, I still have the four 3 cm permanant teeth in my house.
Two weeks later, I had to get my braces on. On the first day, I was in a lot of pain. The wires felt too tight, the tightening hurt a lot, and I couldn't eat solid food because my teeth hurt when I had to chew. I tried to convince my parents that braces weren't worth it, but they didn't listen. After a few days, my teeth stopped hurting and I continued to eat solid, crunchy and chewy foods. Then, problems started. The brackets were too bulky for my mouth, and started making cuts and sores. I tried to use wax to cover my brackets, but it kept falling off when I brushed my teeth. My dad took me to the orthodontics again, but they said that this was "normal." So I continued to use wax and orabase my mom bought for me. For 2 years, I went through the same process, but after a while, I seemed to get used to it. When I got my braces off, My teeth were straight, and perfect.
Overall, the pain you suffer during your 2 years of braces is worth it, because the satisfaction you get from your straight teeth makes you feel a lot better. As long as you take good care of them, your straight teeth can last you a lifetime. I still have beautiful straight teeth to this day.
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