There's been extensive research that suggests Bipolar symptoms in women (especially rapid-cycling) may be influenced by abnormal thyroid levels. Thyroid imbalances are considered to be more established in women than men. Women will also be more likely to suffer from a number of the following medical conditions than men. Unhealthy weight, anxiousness, panic attacks and migraines. Hormone fluctuations can play a significant role in developing Bipolar Disorders, declining estrogen levels during perimenopause can leave a women vulnerable to depressive disorders. During and after pregnancy can leave a women more vulnerable to the condition also.
Bipolar disorder is often a higher risk in somebody who comes from a family with a history of Bipolar. This isn't difinitive and absolute. Although there is a hereditary link, this doesn't mean that someone who has a Bipolar parent will neccessarily be Bipolar. Risk factors that promote Bipolar Symptoms in women include stressful life events, drug or excessive drinking, harsh changes to sleeping patterns or other chronic medical conditions can contribute to the risk of Bipolar. Medicines utilised in the treating of Bipolar are known as "mood stabilizers" These medicenes can reverse depressive or Manic episodes preventing somebody from suffering a potential relapse. A physician or healthcare professional will prescribe either individual or maybe a combination of Prescription drugs that will best suit your needs.
You should understand that whilst there isn't any literal cure for Bipolar Disorders, it is usually treated successfully once diagnosed with ongoing psychological treatment and a succesful prescription for medication. Scientific studies are ongoing and new treatments are continuously being developed that really help in combating Bipolar Disoder. You'll be able to lead a complete and full life after a Bipolar disorder diagnosis. Around one person in a hundred is diagnosed with a Bipolar Disorder, once diagnosed it is usually treated successfully however , many people are unaware they've the condition and this may obviously be dangerous. It can happen at ages young and old although typically develops between the age of 18-24.
Bipolar Disorder was once commonly known as "manic depression" and basically consists of several medical ailments called depressive disorders, which effect the way an individual's brain will function. Although Bipolar Disorder affects males and females in approximately equal numbers, the actual symptoms exhibited by both sexes might be significantly different. Bipolar symptoms in women tend to manifest mostly as depressive episodes, whereas men will in all probability experience more manic symptoms. This typical pattern emerges in the individuals initial episode also, women have a tendency to experience a depressive episode first and men will normally have a manic episode initially.
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