Ovulation is when an egg is released from a female's ovary to start its journey through the fallopian tubes to the uterus or womb...where it may be fertilized.
Typically, only one egg is released with every menstrual cycle. Some women may release multiple eggs at the same time. This is known as hyperovulation. It can lead to a pregnancy with fraternal (non-identical) twins. This is more likely to occur if there is a medical history of fraternal twins in the female's family.
Identical twins originate from the same fertilized egg, which divides to produce two fetuses rather than one. is a random event that could happen to anyone. It is not hereditary.
When does ovulation occur in the woman's cycle? Most people think that it is 14 days after the first day of the last period but this is only correct if the female has a regular 28 day cycle.
The truth is that ovulation is the first stage in the monthly cycle. The previous period has nothing to do with it, simply because that was the last cycle.
The menstrual cycle begins with ovulation. Then in the event the egg isn't fertilized, it will leave the body. A woman may or may not notice this take place. Some ladies can feel their ovulation as a slight pain or discomfort in the womb. Others see a small spot of blood a couple of days after ovulation. That blood contains the egg that has passed out of the body. Do not depend on this blood spotting for contraception, however. Blood spotting can happen for many other reasons.
Then around 14 days after ovulation (or more accurately, 12 - 16 days) the lining of the womb will sluff off and pass out of the body along with excess blood.
So in the typical cycle of 28 days, ovulation will happen midway through the cycle, 14 days prior to the beginning of the next period and likewise 14 days following the start of the previous period.
However, in a long cycle, the gap between the start of one period and the next ovulation will be more than 14 days. For example if your cycle is 32 days, ovulation will still occur 14 days before the start of the next period, but in this example that will be 18 days following the start of the previous period.
And for women who have a short cycle, the gap between the previous period and ovulation is going to be shorter. So for a 24 day cycle, ovulation will still take place 14 days before the beginning of the next period, and just 10 days after the start of the previous period. So a woman with a short menstrual cycle will ovulate very soon after her period ends.
Provided that your cycle is regular, it is possible to determine roughly when your ovulation occurs. You can determine when your next period should begin and count back from there. But if you do not have a regular cycle ,so that you never know when your next period is due, you are unable to predict ovulation in this manner.
The content of this article is intended for entertainment only and should not be used as a method of contraception. Knowing when ovulation occurs can assist some women to conceive, but it is not safe enough to be employed for averting pregnancy.
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