The brain is the most complex organ and the sensitivity of the human body. Although it weighs about 1.4 kilograms, it contains approximately 100 billion nerve cells. The nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord and sensory nerves and this is the most complex system of the human body. The brain is made up of three main areas; fore in the brain, in the mid-brain and hind brain and each region consists of various interrelated parts. Before learning areas of the brain and its functions, let's first take a look at the main areas of the brain. For more details, you can refer to a diagram of the brain and its functions.
Key areas of the brain
Fore in the brain is the largest part of the brain that consists of the thalamus, the hypothalamus in the brain. The brain is divided into two halves, the right half and the left hemisphere. The description is the right brain functions and left brain functions below.
Indeed the most interesting about the brain and its functions is to the right side of the brain controls the left half of the body, and the left half of the brain controls the right side of the body. And is believed to be involved in the brain's left hemisphere in language and creativity, while the right side of the brain concerned with understanding and judgment. Facts about the human brain tells us that the left brain is responsible for the personal and the right intelligence. Apart from the brain, leading to brain also contains the thalamus and hypothalamus (part of the limbic system).
Located in the middle of the brain or midbrain, and behind the frontal lobe and occupies the center of the brain as a whole. Is controlled in hearing and vision, body and eye movements by the brain in the middle. And divided again in the middle of the brain into three parts called the roof, porch and cerebral peduncles.
India and the brain, and as the name suggests, is the rear part of the brain that consists of the cerebellum, and is known as Bones and bone and along the India in the brain with Pons and medullas and brain stem. Here is a table that describes the areas of the brain and the functions they control.
And functions of the brain regions
Brain areas
Functions of the brain regions
Cerebral cortex
And involved the outer layer of the cerebral hemisphere, consisting of gray matter in the functions of learning new information, and the formation of ideas, make decisions, and analyzing sensory data and perform memory functions.
Corpus callosum
Hemisphere connecting the right and left, and enable communication between the two hemispheres. And provides a ceiling to the lateral ventricles and third.
Memory and cognition. Allows you to focus and attend, makes you able to formulate and suppression of thought, and judgment. And thus participate in the development of personal and emotional qualities. It also helps in voluntary motor activity and speech motor
Parietal lobe
Processing sensory input, and sensory discrimination. Helps in the direction of the body.
Occipital lobe
Primary concern with visual reception area and primary visual association area that allows for visual interpretation.
Temporal lobe
Rules over the area of auditory receptive and assembly areas. Take care behavior and expressed, receptive speech and information retrieval.
Limbic system
Runs olfactory pathways, the amygdala and the different pathways, the hippocampus and the different pathways. Limbic lobe control the functions of relevant, sex, fear and anger; emotions. This system is responsible for the integration of recently rhythms, and biological memory.
Basal ganglia
This is the nucleus of subcortical gray matter that serve as a link between the treatment of the thalamus and the motor cortex. The functions include the initiative and direction of voluntary movement, and balance (inhibitory), and the positive reactions, and automatic regulation.
Sends sensory nerve impulses contained required to appropriate areas of the brain for further processing. Most sensory signals, such as audio signals, optical signals and somatosensory signals to pass through this relay station before being another explanation in the brain. Its main function is to provide information in the brain on what happens outside the body. Other functions include motor control, and control muscle movements.
Center integration of the autonomic nervous system. It helps to regulate body temperature and endocrine functions. And organizes various sensations, such as hunger and sexual desire, and thirst, which is responsible for maintaining the daily sleep and awake cycle. It also controls the emotions, and autonomic functions and motor functions and maintains balance through exercise control on the pituitary gland.
Internal capsule
Engine spaces. Dysfunction leads to paralysis on the opposite side of the body.
Refresher device networking
Responsible for the excitement of sleep, alertness and attention. May lead to malfunction altered level of consciousness.
Coordinate and control the movement of voluntary, and keeps the balance and poise while walking, swimming, horseback riding, etc., and memory buffers to work reflex motor, and coordinate actions unconscious at one time, such as eating while talking or listening etc..
In the middle of the brain
Contains audio-visual reflex centers. It is responsible for reflex movements in the muscles of the head and neck, eye and provides a conduit for various neurons going in and out of the brain.
Respiratory center. Has control over the skin of the tongue, face, teeth, muscles of mastication and muscles of the eye, which revolve the eye to the outside, the facial expression muscles, internal auditory passage. It plays an important role in the level of arousal or consciousness and sleep, and participates in the control of involuntary body functions.
Spinal Oblangeta
It contains centers heart and respiratory and motor and performs the most important function of the brain, that is, and organize our lives, such as breathing, keep your heart rate and blood pressure continued, and incitement to regurgitation (vomiting), and swallowing, urinating, defecating and coordinate reactions to life-saving.
There are some exercises specially designed brain that may lead to the strengthening of the power of the brain. I hope you find the information contained in the above regions of the brain and its functions useful. I hope this article has provided answers to the questions which revolve in your mind.
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