Grinding teeth during sleep

Teeth grinding can sleep in a condition very troublesome to deal with. This requirement prevents anyone from getting a deep sleep, and also lead to pain and discomfort when he wakes up. Teeth grinding can affect people of all ages, and therefore, is seen in both children and adults. Below are the various causes, symptoms and treatment options for dealing with grinding teeth during sleep.

Teeth grinding into the causes of sleep

One of the most common cause of teeth grinding during sleep is a kind of dental abnormalities. This can occur because of the presence or denture because of improper closing and positioning of the jaws of the night. If a person has had recently on the crown or artificial, which is installed which is slightly larger in size, it can lead to problems with clogging. In such cases, in an attempt to find a blockage point harmonious, in the upper and lower jaws continue to move against each other, leading to teeth grinding. Also, when there is a lot of malocclusion due to disruption of the teeth, and then there is a high likelihood of landing with someone grinding teeth during sleep. Sometimes, if a person has a TMJ disorder, then due to the discomfort experienced in the joint, and he may end up grinding his teeth at night.

When grinding teeth during sleep in children is seen, then it could be a result of the growth of the jaws. When the jaws grow, you may not upper and lower teeth are properly aligned as well, because of the jaws I keep trying to fix a position where they can clog. Sometimes, that stress also be a cause of teeth grinding at night.

Teeth grinding in sleep symptoms

Symptoms usually teeth grinding in sleep and some symptoms include general and dental services. Usually, if a person grinds his teeth at night, and he does not have a very deep sleep. He may also complain of pain in the jaw area and muscle soreness in the morning. Teeth grinding in sleep and headaches also not something very unusual in such cases. There are many symptoms of teeth that will help to identify this condition. Overall, the occlusal surfaces of the teeth suffer from a lot of attrition. You may lose grooves and teeth may seem flat. And this is often accompanied by yellowing teeth and symptoms of sensitive teeth.

Teeth grinding in the treatment of sleep

And treatment for teeth grinding during sleep depends on the underlying cause. If a person complains of teeth grinding due to the growth of the jaws, as seen in the children, then there is no need for any treatment once the full growth of the jaws, the condition resolved on its own. However, if the problem is due to the presence of filler or crown has high points, due to that in the upper jaw and the lower and grinding against each other, then this justifies a visit to the dentist, so as to get to fill redone or crown size. If misaligned teeth, then teeth grinding treatment consists of getting orthodontic treatment done. However, if the child is less than twelve years, or if the child has not erupted canines, then there will be a need to wait and watch before going for orthodontic treatment. In most cases, though, there will be a need for someone to get a mouth guard for grinding teeth. This is a plastic device that helps to prevent the upper and lower teeth of the shutdown, and thus, grinding against each other.

This was all about grinding teeth during sleep. This is a condition that must be taken seriously because dental continuous and uncontrolled grinding can lead to tooth erosion and irreversible loss excessive tooth enamel. Thus, if someone constantly grinding his teeth at night, and then it is best to visit the dentist and get the status of diagnosis and treatment

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