It could be a battle with your partner, and ridicule by someone, a failed attempt, your boss whining or great stress, tears can flow in your weakest moments. Sometimes you're in a social setting embarrassment to shriek your eyes out, and when you say in your workplace / mol / restaurant, or you may be a man. May not have always understood and a supportive friend at your side to help you stop your tears. To prevent yourself from crying, I would suggest you to watch a movie is fun, playing video games or watching TV just plain old if you're in the comfort of your home. But, it may not always be possible, especially if you're in a public place and have a sudden outburst. So, what can you do to stop yourself from crying in such a situation? Here are some tips for dealing with this scenario.
How to stop crying?
Splash your face with cold water: an immediate calming effect on your face and calms you down. Tearing can make your face red goes with the flow of surplus from the blood rushing to your face. Cold water also helps to immediately bring down the swelling in your face. So, the next time you start to cry, head straight to the bathroom. Will also give you some privacy. You can also apply your makeup, and touch up your hair style. It will be as good as new.
Acupuncture: It is said that directly related to the points on the palms and feet to many parts, functions and organs of the body. Here is a sham acupuncture to help you stop yourself from crying. Click on the little hill of flesh between the index finger and your thumb. It feels like a little ball of muscle. Click difficulty. Can help you to stop crying immediately, so I am told. Also used this technique to treat headaches.
Music mantra: When you cry, it's best to distract yourself. One of the best things you can do is listen to some music. Listen to some of the songs are slow and soft and happy. It really helps to lift your spirits and calm your nerves. Do not listen to heavy metal or rock or anything very quickly, and loudly. This has the opposite effect, and amplify the feelings.
Steer clear of cell: Give yourself a little break from the world when it becomes difficult to stop yourself from crying. Keep your phone on the situation "turn off". When I was crying already, and miserable, you tend to call or text someone out of anger and frustration. It will do you more harm than good, and you may end up regretting being hasty in the heat of the moment. In fact, more talk about your problem with someone at that moment, the more you will cry.
Go bird-watching: Nature has a very calming effect on a broken heart. Just take a break for 5 minutes, and stare out the window or by far the best to go to the park. A walk a bit along with bird watching helps to get your mind off your problems. He also feels very peaceful to look at the nature around you, because we do it often difficult anymore.
Indulge: I do not encouraging you to become emotional eating, but a piece of chocolate or a glass of wine can really help you ease up resentment and despair. In fact, both known to create feelings of happiness through increased production of happiness hormones within the body. Check yourself for loads of calories.
Wear perfume: It is known that the human brain associates smells with different feelings. And can wear a special perfume or when you are sad or crying help restore feelings of happy memories of smell. Last, you can also smell a rose or citrus. It helps to make you very happy!
Fight your tears: I mean that literally. One of the best things to do when the crying is to vent about all the negative emotions by going for a quick run or a boxing session militants. Punch your pillow, and have an intensive aerobic or anything that makes you sweat. You will feel refreshed and revitalized. I have noticed often that 30 minutes in the gym really help me forget my sorrow and suddenly the whole thing starts seem too trivial to be sad over.
Breathing: Focus on your breathing pattern is like a mini-meditation session. Whatever method you use to stop yourself crying, do it by closing your eyes if possible, and focus on your breathing. Take a long and deep breath. Hold them. Doing so for 2 minutes, and when you open your eyes, and will be suppressed you want to cry.
Browse sites funny: This is the preferred method to stop yourself from crying. There are some sites that will insanely funny and there you literally rolling in the aisles with a flurry of laughter, regardless of your state of mind. You have my word on it.
Now that you have stopped yourself from crying, you need to get rid of those puffy eyes. It is quite natural to cry. Some cases calls for calm calm just because you can not cry in public and then embarrassed by this matter at a later time. Moreover, it is best to avoid such situations and became the talk of the room. I used to be a big buck. Now, I have a hard time when they cry until I am alone. I'm sure it will work for you too.
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