How treatment blackening neck and underarms

The blackening the neck and underarm area of ​​aesthetic problems experienced by some women, if you suffer from this problem invite you to declare a state of emergency to search for possible solutions.

How to start the problem and develop?
Blackness begins to emerge gradually, and increase the color and thickness of the skin slowly, over months and years seem velvety look and texture like (marigold) folds in the neck and armpits and between the thighs, especially when dark-skinned.
Sometimes rare may show case melanism and thick suddenly, and drastically, accompanied by itchy severe, and may be the reason the result of a cancerous tumor usually affects the stomach, and will dermatologist assessed the situation, and to disclose the exact disease, and request the necessary tests.

Treatment blackening neck and underarm area:
Studies have shown that getting rid of excess weight, and avoid sugars and fatty as possible by following a diet, practicing sport lead to low insulin in the blood, improves this situation, leather and hide الاسوداد, and sometimes disappears completely, in addition to some topical ointments in the form of a cream or Lotion may help lighten the affected area.

Tips and solutions:
- Not to neglect the care of the daily and weekly skin and through the provision of necessary Baltrtaib and peeling surface, to maintain its integrity and continuously updated.
- A lot of drinking fluids, especially water, it is a miracle cure for all skin problems and affect their health.
- Healthy eating fiber-rich, and not a lot of starches and sugars.
- Reduce weight and diet contribute to a reduction in insulin in the blood.
- Take the necessary remedies for diseases that may accompany the condition, such as diabetes and thyroid

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