Manufactured Clothing Weight Loss of materials free of pores

Manufactured Clothing Weight Loss of materials free of pores, such as rubber, and thus prevent the heat out of the body,

This would dissolve grease alleged by manufacturers. The clothing comes in different forms, such as a pair of jeans or a blouse irritating to skin or even shorts sitting in the steam room. There is even a special rubber belts come with these clothes are reducing waist circumference after wearing them.

These clothes and rubber belts, which also come in the form of training allowances, leading to the loss of body weight through profuse secretion of sweat due to higher internal body temperature, and the clothing to prevent the body from cooling through evaporation of sweat. At the same time, the wear rubber belts that come with clothes, reduce waist circumference is not due to loss of fat in the waist area, but because the pressure belt on the skin leads to let water under the skin into the body away from the waist or any area used the belt.
And begin water lost from the body gradually return to its place in the abdomen or waist after take off the belt. The water lost body through sweat, the body will Istrdjah inevitably sooner or later, which means that these clothes and belts effect on weight loss is the same effect as saunas, plus the possibility of their heart risk due to the blood's ability to return from the lower limbs toward heart through the veins due to pressure these clothes on the blood vessels

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