Materials at home dealing with your skin

Some women may overlook it possesses the most important beauty inside her house keys and her kitchen specifically!! Since the most important natural cosmetics that have proven over the centuries its effectiveness in the treatment of skin problems are available in the home, and more details below ..

- Tea: used in the work of Local compresses to hide Alsoade circles under the eye, and give the hair sparkle and vitality boil tea leaves in the proper amount of water and ferment adequate, and uses water tea output to rinse hair.

- Salt: used to get rid of the swelling below the eyes where wet cotton swabs in a warm salt solution and placed over the eye.

- Honey: The development of a spoonful of honey bees in the bath water makes the skin resist stress and brings sleep, and the mixing honey with the amount of milk "yogurt" is useful for freshness of the skin dry and teaching them vital, eating honey is useful in the treatment of many diseases physical.

- Yogurt: Use a good cleaner for a skin suit oily skin primarily, by placing him on the face layer and after twenty minutes rinse with warm water, and to help in the growth of hair brush the scalp بالزبادي before shampoo head for half an hour.

- Eggs: Nourishing good for the skin, especially oily skin It helps to close the pores, and the work of the mask of white إكسري egg and well Odharbhe or put them on the face and then rinse the skin after twenty minutes with lukewarm water.

- Iodine: protects the skin from occurrence of wrinkles and cracks and is available in fish, onions, pulses Kalahmass and beans and peas and others.

- Selenium: resists aging skin and the appearance of wrinkles and saves his property flexibility, and is available in garlic and brewer's yeast, liver, eggs and tomatoes.

- Sulfur: is one of the important minerals for healthy skin and breathing processes, and deficiency can lead to cracking of the skin, and the most important sources of eggs and vegetables such as cabbage, "cabbage", fish and cereals.

- Zinc: important minerals for the health and safety of the skin and skin, where its importance lies in the formation of collagen and building cells, and is available in meat, grains and seafood.

- Iron: He who gives cheeks beautiful red color and makes your lips red  which is available in lentils, peas, beets, lettuce, cabbage, "cabbage", liver and eggs.

Do you use these natural cosmetics in the work of the house catches?! .. Do you eat these foods useful to the beauty of your skin?! .. Join us Bossvatk own natural ..

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