Referred to any shock cause injury to the skull and the brain, or the scalp as a head injury. A head injury ranging from a simple bump in the head serious harm in the brain. We note that, a head injury may not always include damage or injury to the brain. Is, essentially, of two kinds, closed and open (break). While closed-head injuries refers to one in which no harm in being open skull and injuries or penetrating head injury and referred to the injury that occurs when the body through penetrate the skull, and thus, gaps dura mater. There was no large number of reasons from a head injury or brain, and all types of head injuries can be the result of trauma. Maybe car accidents and falls, and assaults resulting from activities such as skiing or biking lead to serious head injuries. The next section explains each head injury symptoms in adults and children. What follows symptoms of head injury is the treatment for himself. Go.
Symptoms of head injuries
Is it a minor head injury severe or serious head trauma severe symptoms of brain injury and damage to occur immediately. However, there are cases where the symptoms of a head injury may develop at a steady pace, over hours or days. This issue with head injuries is that, even when you see your head looking absolutely fine from the outside, can not know what are the complications that occurred inside your head. Could be bleeding or swelling inside the skull leads to serious damage to the head. Symptoms of head injury, if not diagnosed and treated in time, it can even lead to death. Below is a list compiled of the symptoms of head injury:
* Severe headache
* Skull fracture
* Bruises on his face
* Impaired vision and hearing
* Memory loss and confusion
* Personality changes, irritability
* Lack of coordination and dizziness
* Blurred vision with distorted features on his face
* Sensory issues
* Intracranial hemorrhage
* Nausea
* Fatigue
* Drain blood from the nose and mouth
* Change in the volume of pupils
* Death (if it is not implemented any treatment outside)
Treatment of head injuries
As you know, the head injury is not something that can be treated at home by bringing to use some home remedies ideal for the treatment of headaches, and others. Instead, some serious advice from medical professionals is what you need in this case. However, in the case of minor injuries to the head, which can be seen, such as swelling in the head and minor bleeding and bruised, and so do not apply ice instructions. Decrease swelling, and stop the flow of blood. Should be given strict bed rest and analgesics in the case of regular headache for the patient.
However, in the case of a critical head injuries, a moment symptoms are diagnosed, the patient should be rushed to the hospital, without fail. A neurosurgeon who will be able to consider various factors such as the location of bleeding, infections and clear and visible, and the speed at which the symptoms progress. Thus, he will be able to describe this right aid. There are many cases of head injuries where surgery is the only option. Is bringing the right drug and pressure screens into use in order to keep the patient's condition under control. All in all, when you realize that the treatment of a head injury is not more in your hands, it is always advisable to go to the doctor, because he is the one who will recommend the appropriate treatment depending on the type of head injury.
One of the many tips while getting treatment of head injury is to be transparent with your doctor. I tell him all about the injury, past and present. It is only then that the doctor will be able to implement the relevant transaction, according to the symptoms of a head injury after you have identified
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