Is obesity health or a curse

Obesity is the relative increase in heterogeneous grease in all parts of the body that respond to diet).
And greasiness is to increase non-homogeneous grease in symmetrical areas of the body and Atostagib diet


1) genetic factors: A large percentage of obese patients are causes of obesity and hereditary and, according to some medical sources genes private control in the proportion of greasiness in a certain place of the body or in whole. Be symptoms of obesity and clear at puberty or shortly thereafter in a significant number of members of the same family.
2) hormonal disorders: that any disruption of hormonal endocrine possible lead negatively to obesity Ahianna obesity non-natural or excessive (morbid obesity), in which case the treatments difficult without addressing the turmoil hormonal and return the natural balance of hormones in the body and thus take the necessary measures in treat obesity.
3) mental disorders: There are many cases of infected depression (depression) that may lead to excessive intake of sweets and nuts to compensate or get out of their psychological or forget the worries accumulated.
4) mental disorders: the patient is aware of the amount of food covered because his mental state is integrated (mental retardation) and wonder where any food, any amount without realizing the taste, shape or quality.
5) little or no movement: causes either satisfactory, such as acute arthritis or fractures parties as a result of multiple incidents or laziness patient and others. 6) Some medicines: that opens the patient's appetite to eat in a more natural way, such as certain vitamins and hormones.

Obesity false:

Some medications, such as steroids lead to water retention in the body that appear false Kasmna go with stop taking cortisone.

Problems of obesity:

1) increase the percentage of heart disease and clotting in people who grow obese have normal compared with ordinary persons.
2) increase the proportion of disease joints Kalsauvan especially legs and joints paragraphs.
3) increase in skin infections and fungi in obese people more than ordinary people.
4) increasing cases of mental Sawa result Assao easily engage the patient community.
5) the loss of the aesthetics of the people and the loss of aesthetic strength, especially females.
6) disruption of marital relations for physical difficulty compatibility.
7) difficulties as a result determine the movement of the patient and the difficulty of interacting with multiple business requirements.
8) the difficulty of conducting conventional operations and special emergency sore bitterness and Awar risk of general anesthesia in people quail.


1 - sports of all kinds and at all times.
2 - to refrain from high-calorie foods fat and Kalhloyat.
3 - not taking vitamins and medications Almshahyh without consulting your doctor.


1 - treat conditions mentioned above by a specialist doctor.
2 - a balanced diet and as directed by the doctor.
3 - sports in general or using special devices slimming.
4-LPG device used to move the fat under the skin and without surgery in the form of multiple sessions for simple cases. 5 - Almizotherba mesotherapy is used in some centers for simple cases of greasiness.
6 - cosmetic surgery and calendar.
7 - gastric banding (gastric band)

Liposuction liposuction

Are surgical methods important in the treatment of greasiness in areas of the body multiple and using a special device to liposuction through a small incision very few Mlemat using local anesthesia or general and by the amount of grease and the desire or carry the patient, phase one or several stages. Patient can leave the hospital in the same today and can be made to the NSA or men alike. The results are excellent in small and medium-sized reconstruction of age, depending on the quality and elasticity of the skin.

Degreasing and contouring skin lipectomy

By this method can remove quantities of La Paz by the grease and Atralat skin in different parts of the body Kalptun buttocks and all the parties. Gives very good results in the reconstruction of medium and large which rid the patient of distortions skin result age, frequent pregnancies, down severe weight, etc., and be injured this operation in the areas of hidden or invisible from the body and using soft plastic sewing.

Gastric banding gastric band))

And can be made laparoscopic put an Expansive device around the stomach and then change the size of the device as needed and thus reduces the amount of food taken by mouth

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