Some important tips to gain weight:

Review nutritionist who counted calories needed by the person for weight, length and sex, activity and weight who wishes revised upwards on a weekly basis.
    Follow the proposals of the food pyramid in the quotas that must be dealt with every day are as follows:

1. 3-5 servings of vegetables.

2. 2-4 servings of fruit.

3. 2-3 servings of milk and dairy products like milk, yoghurt and cheese.

4. 6.11 share of bread, cereal, rice and pasta.

5. 2-3 servings of meat, fish and legumes.

6. Use of fats and oils and sweets in moderation and in small quantities.

Quotas can be defined thus:

- Share of bread and cereal group equal to a slice of bread or half a cup of cooked rice or pasta.

- Share of vegetables equals half a cup of vegetables or one medium orange or medium apple or three-quarters of a cup of juice.

- Share of milk set equal to a cup of milk.

- Share of meat is equal to a small piece of meat, chicken or fish or a cup and a half of cooked beans.

· Prefers to eat small meals and multiple rather than a few large meals, for example, needs slim three main meals and three small meals, the first between breakfast and lunch and the second between lunch and dinner and the last before going to sleep.

Eat foods rich in energy fruit mixture with milk a "cocktail" and a private cocktail bananas, pastries Kalaftaúr and cakes.

· Start meal dish President and postponement of the power and fruit for another meal.

Eat fruits and vegetables, which are essential to supply the body with vitamins and minerals essential for health.

Eat some of the desserts at the end of each meal or replaced with a sandwich of cream and jam or honey.

· Add margarine when cooking foods in order to increase the calories in food.

· Add olive oil to the authorities.

· Add honey to milk and hot beverages.

Eat nuts and dried fruits in small meals or add them to power, and rice.

· Drinking a glass of milk with lunch and dinner.

· Add grated cheese, rice, pasta and white cheese cubes to power.

· Eat with Rebekah grainy and outdoors.

· Use butter or margarine Bdehnha sandwiches when it is prepared before you put cheese or peanut butter and add jam or honey afterwards.

· Drinking whole milk or multiplier and attend to add a third cup of skimmed milk powder to a cup of whole milk, which contains more calories than whole milk by 50% and the amount of protein weakness whole milk.

· Avoid drinking water during meals because it weakens the digestive enzymes and hinders the process of digestion, as well as it fills the stomach and makes a slim feel satiety quickly.

· Chew food slowly enough.

· Essayed change in meals to expel boredom.

· Exercise regularly sport strengthens muscles and makes weight gain concentrated in the muscle rather than fat gain as it opens the appetite and reduce the impact of stress on public health.

· Exposure to the sun are improved health and opens the appetite.

· Consult a doctor to use some fortified cereals or vitamins and minerals in the case of inadequate diets of these terms.

· Try to get away as possible from the stress and problems that weaken the appetite and thus reduce weight.

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