What thinness?

Can describe someone as skinny when body mass index (BMI) has less than 18.5.

Thinness reasons:

There are many reasons for the injury being thin, we recall some of them:

    Wrong food habits acquired since childhood.
    Genetic reasons.
    Follow special diets to lose weight and continue to limit access to the thinness and then not being able to recover normal weight.

    Infection with certain organic diseases ... such as:
        Hyper thyroid.
        Severe anemia.
        Some diseases of the digestive tract that prevents the absorption of digested food.
        Incidence of certain tumors or كنتيج treated.

    Some mental illnesses ... such as:
        Severe depression which causes loss of appetite.
        Obsession that makes a patient does not feel hungry.
        Anorexia nervosa.
        Bulimia nervosa.

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