Diabetic exchange list - get proper mix of calories

Calorie diabetic diet exchange list to know the number of exchanges for a particular calorie diet

Calorie diets are helpful for people with diabetes. The principle behind a calorie diabetic diet is controlling daily calorie intake and thus reducing weight and maintaining blood glucose levels. As calorie diet controls sugar level and weight it also reduces the risk of heart problems. Carbohydrate is the main source of glucose and our body gets energy from glucose. That's why the main goal of calorie diet is controlling carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Restricting calorie intake in calorie diabetic diet means not having low calories but taking balanced amount of calories. To plan a calorie diabetic diet you should know your daily calorie needs. Daily calorie requirement can be calculated according to your age, physical status and exercise ability. Once you know your calorie requirements you can plan your daily meal according to your calorific needs.

To get proper mix of calories, carbohydrates and other nutrients you can use a diabetes exchange list which is an effective way of meal planning. In this exchange lists, foods are grouped into six categories such as starches, milk, vegetables, fruits, meat and fats. These groups contains list of foods having same nutrient contents. With the help of these lists you can calculate the amount of various foods for the same amount of calories. In an exchange group foods are similar in nutrient contents and hence they affect your blood glucose in similar manner. This is why you can exchange foods within a group. But exchanging foods between the groups is not allowed. This exchange list provides calorie count in each food, with this information you can select certain number of exchanges from each food group to fulfill individual calorie needs. To plan perfect calorie diet spread the exchanges throughout the day. The number of exchanges from each group depends upon individual calorie needs.

Diet plan for the daily calories from 1200 to 2500 you should include 55 to 58% carbohydrates, 19 to 23% proteins and 19 to 27% fats.

Some suggested exchanges from each food exchange lists for different calorie requirements are as follows: For 1200 calorie diet include six starch exchanges, two milk(nonfat) exchanges, three vegetable exchanges, three fruit exchanges, four meat exchanges and two fat exchanges. For 1500 calorie diet include seven exchanges from stanches, two milk exchanges, three vegetable exchanges, four fruit exchanges, five meat exchanges and four fat exchanges.

For 2500 calorie diet choose 13 starch exchanges, one milk exchanges, four vegetable exchanges, eight fruit exchanges, eight meat exchanges and eight fat exchanges. From these examples you will notice that for more calorie requirements you have to increase the number of exchanges. One more thing you should remember that you cannot avoid one complete food group from your meal plan, including foods from all groups with right proportion is essential. The exchange system also provides free food and combination food lists. The free foods contain fewer calories and if you eat less serving of free foods then there is no need to count these foods. A combination food contains exchanges from two or more groups.

Dietitians generally advise you to break your meals into 4 to 5 small meals and snacks this help you to maintain balance of nutrient contents.

Drink lots of water because it is calorie free and helps to flush away the toxins. Flavored water, an excellent healthy drink for diabetics!

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