A diabetic simply depending merely on prescription medicines cannot manage diabetes with normal sugar levels. Diet choices(diabetic diet foods AND bad diabetic foods) is another factor which can be realized in real experience. If the patient plans well his ways, it helps to fix the cause and effect in which the success rate to maintain normal fasting blood sugar levels as well as random blood sugar glucose levelsis a little higher. If he takes efforts to study his health condition by introspection with reference to each and every action taken by him and the consequences, it helps more to maintain his own health against diabetes. Along with these, close observation and sharing of experiences regarding the diabetic problems of others also gives him confidence that he is better than others.
Psychologically one should think to feel better than others. Unnecessary fears created by medical warnings like "Diabetes cannot be cured totally but can be maintained only", " You cannot overcome the hereditary effects of diabetes from parents", " Diabetes follows and has its end until the last day of life", "Diabetes is a silent killer", "glucose tolerance test should be taken at least once in three months". It is true to certain extent only and not to worry much. There are diabetics who have overcome insulin resistance blood sugar levels by sticking to restricted and balanced food habits.
Tips to reduce blood sugar level symptoms:
- Consult a physician to reduce blood sugar
- Have a changed lifestyle with balanced diet including vitamins and minerals.
- Observe other diabetic patients and getting clues how they manage diabetes
- Say good bye to bad diabetic foods high in carbohydrates
- Have daily exercise program and avoid day time sleeping as far as possible
- Avoid unnecessary fears and imaginations of mythical rumors
- Have diabetic diet meal plan by consulting a dietitian to suit your body condition.
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