Reversing diabetes - How to Reverse Diabetes

How to Reverse Diabetes

Diabetes affects many people. According to the American Diabetes Association, almost two million new cases of diabetes was reported in people 20 years or older in 2010. An ominous study reveals that this number will go up by at least double in the next ten years.

Diabetes also causes many problems. In the same study done by the American Diabetes Association, people who have diabetes are at great risk to die from heart attacks and strokes - at nearly a two to four times higher rate than those without the disease. Over 65% of all diabetics also reported high blood pressure. Diabetes is a leading cause in both new cases of blindness and kidney failure.

The disease takes a toll on our extremities as well. The report from the American Diabetes Association over 60% of non traumatic lower-limb amputations occur in people with diabetes every year.

For these reasons, it is a good idea to teach yourself how to reverse diabetes.

For starters, you need to understand that diabetes is a function of your lifestyle. What you eat and your activity level both have a great influence in getting diabetes.

Most people who find out that they have diabetes are people that have poor eating habits and do not get any amount of exercise.

If you are serious about reversing your diabetes, you need to be willing to change your lifestyle. You have to consider going on a healthy diet and conforming to an exercise regimen.

You don't have to go crazy with it.

Most diabetics find that a few simple changes to the way they eat and a moderate amount of exercise are enough to reverse their diabetes to the point where they can cut down on the dosage of medication. Some people are fortunate enough to get to the point when they don't even need their medication at all!

How to Reverse Diabetes with Dieting

Most people give in to popular culture and go on the low carb diet to control and manage their diabetes. But this isn't the best way to go. The best diet to go on if you want to reverse diabetes is the vegan diet.

The vegan diet takes care of one of the primary causes of insulin resistant diabetes - fat particles around the cells of the organs and muscles. By reducing the amount of animal fat that you eat, done by going on the vegan diet, your blood glucose levels will be in much better control. The decrease in animal fat will mean that the insulin will have a much easier job absorbing the sugar in the bloodstream to reduce potential spikes.

For more information, please visit the reverse diabetes naturally page below.

How to Reverse Diabetes with Exercise

Exercise is the second major component when you want to reverse diabetes naturally. Exercise causes your body to react to insulin more efficiently, even if you are insulin resistant. This is because when you exercise, your cells need to burn more fuel and they need to pull that from the bloodstream in order to keep going.

Exercise also helps you burn off the fat cells around your cells so that insulin can do its job more efficiently. Combined with a good eating plan, this is the best way to manage blood sugar levels and reverse the effects of diabetes.

You don't have to work out for hours a day to help reverse diabetes. Ten to twenty minutes of daily aerobic exercise, like walking, is more then enough to do the trick.

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