No one wants to have to cover up due to nasty scarring, especially when relaxing at the beach or on holiday, and unfortunately these nasty little scars force many of us to do just that. Read on and we'll examine some ways you can deal with and hopefully reduce or improve the appearance of stretch marks on thighs.
Stretch marks, or striae distensae, come about when the body changes shape too fast for the skin to keep up. The skin becomes stretched beyond its limit to repair itself, and the protein that keeps our skin soft and stretchy, known as collagen, becomes thinned out in the area that is under the strain of the stretching.
This causes the tiny fibers in the skin to tear, which leaves a red or purple mark on the skin. These red or purple marks eventually fade into a scar that is usually silver or white, is usually distinctly differently coloured to the rest of the skin, and is often a different, dry or rough texture to other skin.
Sufferers of stretch marks on thighs have had marked success with a process called dermabrasion, which is when a dermatologist or doctor applies a chemical to the skin that burns away the uppermost layers of skin, causing new skin to grow.
This procedure seems to have more success on thighs than on other areas of the body, possibly due to the thickness of the tissue and muscle around the thigh area. This process can be expensive and very uncomfortable, and so is not for everyone, but might be worth a try if you can afford the price and discomfort.
Stretch mark creams and lotions get a bad rap these days, but there are quite a few out there now that are medically proven and have seen high levels of success. You might like to ask your dermatologist or doctor to recommend one, and if your scars are particularly bad, there are prescription creams available that are much stronger than the over the counter kind. The most effective topical stretch marks creams contain elastin, collagen and vitamin A. The distinct link between collagen and stretch marks production make these products much more effective than other treatments.
Otherwise, try to find creams that are high in vitamin E, A and C, and or those that contain proven natural ingredients such as aloe vera, emu oil, and squalene oil.