Wondering what is causing all those ugly stretch marks? Well, a few common causes include pregnancy, strenuous body building regiments, rapid weight gain, and even rapid growth. One of the primary causes for stretch marks is abnormal hormonal activity. Not widely know is the fact that one does not have to be pregnant, fat or even big to get stretch marks and scars. They are amongst the many very common skin condition, but most people who have them tend to be embarrassed, and hence are vulnerable to radical treatments such as expensive laser treatment. While perfectly safe, such invasive solutions should be considered only as a last resort. Since hormones have a lot to do with the day-to-day functioning of the human body, you should know whether your body is particularly inclined towards developing these marks or not. Hormonal activity known to cause such marks include during periods of:
Natural growth of adolescent boys and girls
Rapid weight gain or loss
Deficiency of particular nutrients
Change in physical and/or environmental conditions
Some medications, especially steroids such as cortisone
Some problems is the human body processes information regarding skin development incorrectly, which in turn causes the skin to produce insufficient amount of collagen and elastin. These are responsible for forming the connective tissue of skin. Upon the connective tissues being stressed i.e. when they are not strong enough to withstand over-stretching, they break apart which in turn causes stretch marks. These scars first begin to show on the lower skin layers, which gradually develops on the lower layers of the skin.
Posted in: Stretch Mark
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