Symptoms like itching, abnormal size or shape or abnormal discharge from the nipple of the breast makes it eligible for a biopsy and this procedure is known as the breast biopsy procedure. A sample of the breast tissue is taken to the lab for microscopic examination to determine whether it is cancerous or non-cancerous, and in case it is cancerous, whether it is malignant (which spreads in other parts and organs of the body) or benign (does not spread to other parts of the body).
The abnormality of breast can be detected by self-test physical examination, ultrasound or mammography or other breast imaging methods. The biopsy method followed by the Pathological (Microscopic) examination of breast tissue is the only definite way to determine the Cancer Pathology. It is estimated that over 48 million mammograms are performed each year and that less than one million of them (less than 5%) are recalled to undergo a breast biopsy.
The biopsy to take out the tissue samples has various ways of doing it. The various procedures are X-ray guided biopsy, fine needle aspiration cytology biopsy, large core biopsy, vacuum-assisted biopsy or core needle biopsy. All these different techniques are used for the same purpose – removing the sample breast tissues for examination. But there are such different techniques for lesser pain and according to different body types.
Among all these different methods of breast biopsy, according to healthcare experts, the X-ray guided biopsy is a recently developed method and it is also known as the stereotactic biopsy. It actually involves a computerized mammography machine that uses intersecting coordinates to indicate the location of change in tissues. A mammogram or other breast imaging study shows something suspicious that cannot be seen or felt on physical examination or when the breast tissue structure is distorted by suspicious cluster of calcium deposits, there is a need for this kind of stereotactic biopsy.
Such biopsies are not harmful and very rarely do any kind of side effects occur. But if there is an abnormal fluid discharge from nipple or the sutures are coming off or there is severe pain, immediate medical attention should be called. One should take care that no strenuous activity should be done within the 24 hours of the biopsy.
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