Causes Of Throat Cancer

Posted on 3 July, 2011

Causes of Throat Cancer

Aakash Shah

There are various causes for the throat cancer. Using tobacco in any form (smoking or smoke-less) causes the throat cancer. Let us see the detailed risk factors in detail...?

Tobacco: ?The tobacco is found to be the most common cause for the throat cancer. It damages the cells in the oral cavity and the inner part of the throat. The risk is high for the smokers when compared to normal people. The statistics says the ninety percent of the people suffering from it are smokers. ?The risk in using the smoke-less tobacco is higher than the smoking. The usage of the smoke-less tobacco causes other diseases like gum disease which makes it more complicated to treat. The tobacco used along with alcohol is the major cause. The tobacco particles may rest on the holes or the dents in the throat region and cause the cancer.

Alcohol: The excessive consumption of alcohol also leads to throat cancer. It also damages the cell inside the throat and the path to the esophagus. The statistic says about seventy five of the people suffering ?are frequent drinkers of alcohol.?

Chronic denture irritation: The dentures may cause irritation when the particles like tobacco or alcohol trap into the denture and provide exposure to these particles. Thus the poorly fitted dentures may be potential enough to bring throat cancer. The denture alone is not the cause, the poorly fitted dentures are the cause for the same. They provide the cause like inhibiting the proper functioning of the throat region.

Ultraviolet Light: The exposure to the ultraviolet light may cause damages to the cells in the lips and in the upper part of the throat. The continual exposure may lead to throat cancer. The statistics says one in three people suffering have jobs that make them to the exposure to uv rays.

Leukoplakia, Erythroplakia: The leukoplakia is a disease which causes the white patches all over the body. The white patches in the throat or the cheeks may be potentially enough to cause it. The leukoplakia cause the tumor located near-by to spread extensively. The causes affecting leukoplakia may be smoking tobacco or other food habits. The treatment is difficult for the tumor present near the leukoplakia. The other risk factor is the erythroplakia which is similar to the leukoplakia in making the treatment difficult for the tumor. The areas affected by erythroplakia will bleed easily when it is scrapped.

Human pappillomavirus (HPV): The HPV is sexually transmitted virus. The HPV is the reason for major cancers. It is now discovered that the HPV also causes throat cancer. ?

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