Link Discovered Between Candida And Cancer

Posted on 7 January, 2012

Link Discovered Between Candida and Cancer

Jessica Dale

A European doctor by the name of Dr. Simoncini has made an incredible connection between Candida and Cancer that is shocking people everywhere. Both it turns out can develop through the same set of circumstances in the body. There is both good news and bad news to come of this report.

The Bad news is that if you suffer from Candida that your odds of developing Cancer are greater than those without Candida.

The Good news is that natural treatments that eliminate Candida are now proven to be highly useful in both preventing and treating Cancer developments as well.

The health circumstances responsible for Cancer and Candida are two things:

-A Lack of Oxygen throughout the body and -Excess Fermentation within the body.

I'll explain each a little further.

A lack of oxygen throughout the body has been shown to be the major cause of virtually all illness and disease. Much of this is due to air pollution, poor breathing habits, poor dietary habits that clog up the body and prevent proper oxygen transportation between cells.

Excess Bodily Fermentation is literally the direct cause of a Candida overgrowth as it is the process through which yeast develop and toxic by products are produced within the body.

The solution to both is straightforward: Destroy Candida by Increasing oxygenation throughout the body and following natural treatments to reduce root causes of Candida and thus getting at the root of both Candida and Cancer. Fermentation cannot exist in high oxygen environments which is why oxygenation of the body is so critical. Avoid processed, yeast filled and high sugar foods as these increase fermentation and will lower bodily oxygen as well.

An easy way to begin to get more oxygen into the body is using an Ozone generator for both air and water. Ozone carries an extra oxygen molecule that can destroy Candida in the body and also clean and oxygenate the air around you. Unlike North America Ozone therapy is very common in Europe in the treatment of diseases such as Cancer!

Many people in the natural health industry have known about this connection for years but these recent professional discoveries are allowing this information to become more mainstream than ever before. This is great news considering how in the dark most people are in dealing with Cancer due to misinformation and a lack of treatment options presented in North America. Eliminating Candida has never been as important as it is now, your life depends on it!

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