Menstruation, called irregular if not follow the normal pattern of your cycle. Anovulation (not releasing an egg) is a major cause of delay menstruation in many women. This condition is considered normal if it happens only once or twice a year. Menstrual irregularities also in a few months or years after menarche (menarkhe). This is because the hormones that control menstruation takes time to reach equilibrium.
1. Lifestyle
Certain lifestyle can disrupt the menstrual cycle, including:
• Increased stress
Stress is the most common cause. If you are experiencing stress due to overwork, pressure from friends or family demands, your periods may become irregular. When you are stressed, the adrenal glands release the hormone cortisol, which have a direct impact on some of the hormones involved in menstruation such as estrogen and progesterone.
• Weight loss
Although low weight is a common cause of irregular periods, obesity also can cause menstrual problems. In this situation, the brain can not trigger the right hormones for follicle development, which is needed to make estrogen.
• Breastfeeding
Many women experience menstrual irregularities through breastfeeding.
• Contraception
Drugs and intrauterine devices / spiral may cause bleeding between menstrual periods. Light bleeding is common when a new take on the contraceptive pill. Spiral can even lead to severe bleeding.
• Other factors
Poor nutrition, drugs, smoking, and caffeine in specific cases can disrupt the menstrual cycle.
2. Health Conditions
Some health conditions that can disrupt the menstrual cycle include:
• Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
PCOS occurs when some tiny cysts developing in the ovary. The ovaries produce follicles which produce high levels of estrogen but never release an egg, resulting in irregular menstruation.
• Hormonal imbalance related to perimenopause
Perimenopause is the period of hormonal transition before menopause. Technically, menopause occurs when you stop your period for 12 consecutive months since last menstrual period. However, rarely there are women who menstruate regularly until it suddenly stopped altogether. Much more common are menstrual cycle changes over the years or months before reaching menopause.
• The imbalance of androgens
Some women experience irregular periods because they have too much androgen. Male hormone that is normally only slightly in the female body can cause hair growth on face, chin, chest, and abdomen, and sometimes associated with excessive weight.
• Thyroid disorders
The thyroid gland produces hormones that keep the body's metabolism. Thyroid function is closely linked to all the hormones in your body. Thyroid hormones are not balanced as in hypothyroidism can cause various symptoms such as irregular periods, fatigue, weight gain, and depression.
• Premature ovarian failure
This condition is when you stop menstruating before age 40. Surgery, chemotherapy, and abdominal or pelvic radiation therapy can cause premature ovarian failure.
Here are some tips to cope irregular periods:
• Reduce stress and improve your nutrition
Try to relax and enjoy life more. Rest enough in the evening. Change your diet to be more balanced by the increased intake of complex carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables and water.
• Exercise regularly
Regular exercise can help expedite menstruation, with a fresh and healthy body can help expedite the development of the hormone, and was finally able to make your menstrual lancer.
• Consult a doctor
If you are worried about the cause of irregular menstruation is a disease or other conditions, consult a physician. Ask your doctor the possible causes of your menstrual irregularities. You especially need to see a doctor if your period is also accompanied by heavy or prolonged bleeding, pain after sex, abdominal pain, excessive hair growth, weight gain for no reason.
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