Skin wrinkles are a normal and natural when it comes right time, with age. But when it came early, then that is a problem. Many methods are used by women to prevent or eliminate wrinkles on the face, up to a lot a lot of money for the operation and so on. Increasing age was one factor was the onset of wrinkles. But this can be prevented by eating the right foods.
Wrinkles generally occurs due to aging. Entering the age of 30 usually wrinkles around the eyes and face began to appear. Wrinkles appear not only due to aging, but also could be due to dietary factors. Lack of good nutrition from food or drink into the body will influence the onset of wrinkles.
Here are wrinkle-preventing foods:
• Papaya
Papaya has properties very much for the body, one of them to help reduce wrinkles. The content of vitamin C is very much, in 100 g of papaya fruit contains 78mg of vitamin C that can help rejuvenate the skin and prevent dryness. Eating papaya early on will help to maintain healthy skin and prevent wrinkles later in life.
• Strawberry
Strawberries also contain vitamin C which is quite a lot, other than that antioxidants keep skin from free radicals. Vitamin C is quite familiar with the skin, natural nutrients that help menghsilkan collagen in the body. Vitamin C also keeps the skin from direct sunlight attack. In 100 grams of strawberries contains 60 mg of vitamin C.
• Walnut
Walnuts and other nuts, contain vitamin E is essential that the skin needed. To moisturize and rejuvenate your skin.
• Wheat
The content of magnesium and B vitamins in the grain helps skin regeneration. Replace the dead skin cells with new skin cells.
• Vegetables and Fruit
Nearly all fruits and vegetables are very good benefits for the skin. Because it is a good source of vitamins and fiber that are needed for the skin.
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