Boost immunity not only through additional supplements alone, but also from the food you eat every day. Erratic weather conditions recently made the condition of the body decreases. Susceptible to cold and tired very quickly. Various additional supplements you're taking to improve the immunity / immune system for the better. In addition to taking supplements, it helps you eat certain foods that can boost immunity from within.
Here are some foods that can boost immunity:
1. Fruit with a sour taste
Types of fruit with a sour taste like oranges, lemons, and grapes, which contain much vitamin C can increase the body's immunity. Vitamin C can help the body produce more blood cells as an anti-body and keep the body from virus attacks. To get the vitamin C every day, you can drink lemon juice in warm water that has been given.
2. Eggs
Eggs are a high source of protein. But not just any protein, eggs also contain vitamin A which is easily soluble. This vitamin also plays an important role in the formation of the body's immune. In addition to eggs, other sources of vitamin A can get from the liver, processed foods from the dairy, and fish oil.
3. Red meat
Red meat is known as a source of iron, where iron is very easily absorbed by the body. Ideally, in a week you eat meat as much as two to three times. If you can not eat red meat, make sure you are eating more nuts, eggs, green vegetables, and cereals.
4. Wheat
Cereal grain or the like such as wheat, rye, barley, and brown rice will provide enough vitamin B essential for the body. Among these are vitamin B, pantothenoic acid, and folic acid. B vitamins support the immune system works well, but it's high fiber content makes your digestion works very well.
5. Seafood
Almost all types of seafood are the main source of zinc, but most of it is kind of clams, mussels, and oysters. Meanwhile, squid, salmon and other fish also contain zinc, but the amount is not too large. Role of zinc in maintaining the immune system to make sure the white blood cells that help the body fight infections and viruses work in the best possible.
6. Nuts
Nuts not only can increase one's immunity, but also the fulfillment of the body of zinc, iron, and vitamin B. And three minerals was very supportive of the immune system. Each type of nut has a distinct advantage, one of which is Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, almonds and peanuts are a source of vitamin E.