What does Morning sickness feel like, does it necessarily happen in the morning?

Morning sickness can happen any time. It can be nausea or dizziness with or without vomitting. The smell of things can trigger it. Some women just gag or dry heave, but do not throw up. Others throw up after eating. It just depends on the women as every pregnancy is different.

Its called morning sickness but it can happen at any time of day.some women vomit all day,others have a feeling of nausea with no vomiting,some may vomit on an evening or after eating certain food.some women don't even get morning sickness! most women find it eases off at 13 weeks but this isn't always true - it can continue throughout the pregnancy or go away and come back in the last but no point worrying of you don't know if you're pregnant or not.

All of my morning sickness started before I knew that I was pregnant. With my first, I started feeling really sick about two weeks before I took the test-a full week before my missed my period. At first, I was terrified because I thought there is no way I can spend the next few months curled up on the couch ready to hurl all the time.

But, with me, it gets better after the first few weeks and goes away totally by the 16th week. I feel queesy-like I just rode a roller coaster after eating a hot dog-and I'm very tired and either too hot or too cold. I try to take a bath every day (making sure I keep my arms and legs out to control my body temperature) and that really helps. I also get back pain and I like to use a portable heater to blast my back with hot air while I've got the a/c cranked up.

Not very energy efficent but when I'm that sick I feel entitled to a little overspending. I ate dill pickles and green olives for ten weeks during my first and dropped twenty pounds almost right away (I had a little extra I could part with so it wasn't a really big deal). Just keep in mind that it WILL end someday and that your baby will take everything it needs from your body before you use it for yourself-so if you feel like crap be assured that s/he is quite comfortable even when you're not!

Morning Sickness Facts

- Morning sickness affects up to 80 percent of pregnant women.
- Morning sickness usually begins around the 6th week of pregnancy and ends around the 12th or 16th week.
- Treat symptoms as soon as possible and you'll have a better chance of controlling the condition.
- One percent of women suffer from a severe form known as hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), which can result in hospitalization.
- Try eating small portions of whatever makes you feel better every one to two hours and make sure you drink two liters of liquid a day.
- Some common morning sickness cures include: eating bland food (such as dry cereal), eating cold food (such as popsicles), wearing an acupressure band, taking vitamin B6, smelling citrus and rinsing with mouthwash.

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