What Does DNA Stand For?

DNA, Stand For Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid, is a nucleic acid that stores all the information about genetics. This is what determines the type of hair, skin color and specific qualities of the man. DNA is generally located in the cell nucleus.

Broadly, the role of DNA in a cell is the genetic material, DNA means storing blueprint for all cellular activity. It contains instructions that tell the cell how to act. It also determines how the nature of the organism derived from one generation to the next.

DNA was first purified in 1868 by Swiss scientist Friedrich Miescher in Tubingen, Germany, who named it nuclein based on its location in the cell nucleus. However, research on the role of DNA in the new cells began in the early 20th century, along with the discovery of Mendelian genetics postulates.

In the cell nucleus, the DNA strands to form a unity called chromosomes. Any normal human cell has 46 chromosomes consisting of 22 pairs of somatic chromosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes (XX or XY).

Each child will receive a half pairs of chromosomes from the father and half of another pair of chromosomes from the mother so that each individual brings a trait inherited from both mother and father. Each individual has a DNA double helix-shaped or double chain, a chain derived from the mother and one inherited from the father's chain again.

All parts of the body can be used to reveal DNA. One example is the buccal swab or mouth swabs on the inside of the cheeks, blood, hair and its roots, nails, or use as much as 2 ml blood samples as sources of DNA. For blood, blood cells used are white blood, not red blood cells. This is because red blood cells have no nucleus.

The success of DNA test is 100 percent accurate when done correctly. Test methods commonly used method of DNA electrophoresis. While the new test method is to use nano-sized gold particles the ability to bind to DNA. However, these methods are still being developed in the United States.

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