Chronic tonsillitis....

In the back of our throat, there are 2 tissue that is shaped and similar platforms. These are known as platforms such as the tonsils, and one on each side of the throat. The purpose of this tissue is to work in the first line of defense for the body's immune system against invading microbes such as bacteria and viruses that enter the body through the mouth. They do this by producing certain types of white blood cells. So what can happen, in some cases, access to detect these systems for disease resistance to infection and inflammation, and while they are fighting the invaders. This tonsillitis very non-what is known as tonsillitis, and when retains several times repeated, it earns "chronic tonsillitis' name. Moreover, the requirement is a chronic, symptoms and seems to be continuing and long-term. Has provided more disease below.

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis

This disease is typical of children and adolescents under the age of 15 years. This is because, as the person reaches the age of majority, and the tonsils to him to stop working for the immune system any more. Thus, if the tonsils do not have to deal with pathogens, then they are still less likely to suffer from any kind of infection and inflammation. However, chronic tonsillitis in adults that happens, but in rare cases the symptoms of chronic tonsillitis are as follows:

Tonsils * to become red, swollen and hot

* Sore throat

* The formation of a coating such as on the surface of the tonsils. This can be white or yellow.

* Difficulty in swallowing food, even water or saliva

* Fever

* Swollen lymph nodes in the neck

* Hoarseness, which may be something like scratchy or undeclared for some people

* Halitosis

* Abdominal pain, especially in younger children

* Feeling stiffness while moving the neck

* Headache, which may be repeated and continuous

These symptoms may disturb young children, but they may not be able to put into words. Therefore, parents should watch out for signs such as poor nutrition, and crying while opening his mouth to eat or swallowing, increased irritability, or express their necks and hurt.


A common cause of this condition is the same virus that causes colds. However, it can be caused by other types of bacteria as well. If we're talking about bacteria, and Streptococcus pyogenes happens to a common offender. Under the same cause sore throat. Most people might wonder is tonsillitis contagious? This condition, whether viral or bacterial one, can be readily transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one. Cryptic chronic tonsillitis is a type of this condition which occurs when food particles or bacteria accumulation of debris formed in the folds of the tonsils.


Most cases of tonsillitis do not require the aid of a medical intervention. There are a few self-care measures at home to help reduce symptoms and speed up recovery. Moreover, there is no cure chronic tonsillitis if the causal agent is a virus. You may have to relieve symptoms and with the help of home remedies, such as antibiotics are effective only for bacteria. Tonsillitis remedies to relieve symptoms are as follows:

* There is gargling with warm salt water and treat old way to relieve the symptoms of chronic tonsillitis. Encourage children to it is known to the water and spit it out. Do this several times a day provide significant relief in sore throat when swallowing.

* Get plenty of sleep and rest gives the body time to fight the infection.

* Must be given to the children plenty of fluids throughout the day. This would help to keep the throat moist and prevent dehydration. Warm soups, and caffeine-free drinks, ice pops, etc., are good for this purpose.

* Dry air may increase the severity of symptoms, so it's best to use a humidifier in cold air in the room. Instead, leave the kettle boiling water in the room. The steam help keep the moisture in the air.

* Provide aids is also a great deal from the comfort of a sore throat.

* Avoid getting exposed to cigarette smoke, paints, and the like. This material throat irritation, and may lead to aggravation of the situation.

* Can be found doctors for drugs to treat fever and pain that arise from chronic tonsillitis. This assistance may be through the bed, which otherwise may be difficult because of the symptoms.

As mentioned, if the causal factor is bacteria, then it is recommended antibiotics for use. Despite all these treatments are good for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis, and if they do not work, then your doctor may suggest surgery to remove the tonsils entirely.

Can remain chronic tonsillitis from developing countries by following the basic necessities for personal hygiene, and which I am sure you are aware of. But just to remind you, and wash your hands thoroughly with soap after using the toilet and before eating, and avoid sharing items with any one, the people of a private patien

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